UmArts at UMA
UmArts is the Research Centre for Architecture, Design and the Arts at Umeå University, based at Umeå School of Architecture (UMA). The centre is creating an exciting interdisciplinary arts research environment in the visual arts, architecture, design, and creative studies in education, in partnership with Bildmuseet. UmArts aims to develop critical knowledge in artistic research by supporting interdisciplinary research between artistic and other fields, with high quality public dissemination and engagement.
UmArts supports research in Architecture in many different ways. New research perspectives are encouraged through interdisciplinary postdoctoral research fellowships in architecture, art and AI based at UMA. Within the department, Small Visionary Project awards provide seed funding for research active staff to develop small but ambitious new research projects as starting points for new work. UmArts also initiates and manages collaborative research projects such as the Vision i Norr Moving North project, and the UmArts WASP-HS Art & AI project with Guest Professor curator Sarah Cook at Umeå School of Architecture, in partnership with Bildmuseet and Umeå Institute of Design. These interdisciplinary projects encourage research exchange and collaboration between the five UmArts organisations: Umeå School of Architecture, Umeå Institute of Design, Umeå Academy of Fine Arts, Bildmuseet and the Institute of Creative Studies in Education.
Read more about the research centre at UmArts website

UmArts Small Visionary Projects In Architecture
Read about projects with UmArts-seed funding that support staff to try out new interdisciplinary research ideas with big ambitions
Latest update: 2024-09-02