Global Challenges. Urgent Pedagogy

Studio 10 holds a long history of research and pedagogy around the topic of displacement and engages in collaborative, live-built projects within contexts of social and civic injustice, that aim to bridge the gap between architectural education, practice and research.

Context of Investigation 
This year the focus will be on you.  
We will broaden our investigation and explore urgent global challenges in multiple contexts and scales.  
We will help you realize your projects, as we move between the personal and the global to develop diverse architectural proposals to a high level of conceptual, social, material and tectonic resolution. Projects that have a positive impact on the wellbeing and dignity of individuals and populations.  
This studio is not about mapping, it’s not about abstract research, it’s not inward looking. Rather it’s about good architecture, compassion and being useful to the wider society.  

Studio Agenda and Methodology   
The studio will continue to deploy the Global Free Unit methodology of the contract, the gift and project friends to help you define ambitious individual, research-based thesis projects.  
Projects that mean a lot to you and that connect to your own beliefs and ambitions as a future architect, to some of the greatest challenges facing global society, and help you locate your project so that it has real life impact.  
This is your chance to be global and free for one last time before you graduate.  
Teaching team  
Amalia Katopodis, Maxine Lundström and Robert Mull. 

Latest update: 2024-09-02