
Arkitektprovet is an artistic test by which up to 1/3 of the applicants are admitted to The Architecture Programme and the other three Swedish Architecture educations.

Arkitektprovet is a artistic and practical test to assess the artistic and architectural skills of applicants to the four Swedish Architecture educations. Arkitektprovet is a collaboration between Umeå University, Chalmers School of Tehnology, KTH Royal Institute of Technology and LTH/Lund University. The results are assessed by a jury group of architects from all four schools. The applicants who perform a result assessed showing a high skill level makes the applicant eligible for all four programmes in the selection group alternative selection.

The test typically starts with a home assignment, which is published late February – early March with a deadline around the middle of April. Applicants assessed to have produced high quality results will then be called to a second test which is typically on-site at the four Schools during one or two days early - middle of June. The highest quality applicants who have completed the second test will get a ranking value in the alternative selection category for all four educations.

About 1/3 of the applicants to the Architecture Programme at Umeå School of Architecture can be admitted through the selection group. It is not obligatory for applicants to participate in the test but a way to higher the chances of admission as is the case with The Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test.  

Instructions for Arkitektprovet is only provided in Swedish. Typically, participants are not allowed to use electrical devices, phones or have internet access during the second test but it is possible to bring a manual dictionary.

Latest update: 2024-09-02