
For a complete list of all UMA staff and affiliates, visit


Anna Ericsson
Study administrator (on leave)
Anna Levander
Study counsellor
Carl-Johan Vesterlund
Associate professor
Christina Sander Nordin
Study administrator
Clara West
Research coordinator, other position
Daniel Movilla Vega
Associate professor
Daniel Shanken
Postdoctoral fellow
Eleanor Carpenter
Professor, other position
Elena Vazquez Peña
Associate professor
Emelie Aktanius
Adjunct lecturer
Emelie El-Habta
Research coordinator, other position
James Brown
Associate professor
Joël Jouannet
Adjunct lecturer
Julia Mårtensson
Human resources coordinator
Julio Diarte Almada
Assistant professor
Katrin Holmqvist-Sten
Associate professor
Luis Berríos-Negrón
Associate professor
Maja Hallén
Adjunct lecturer
Maria Bylund
Financial officer
Maria Luna Nobile
Associate professor
Maxine Lundström
Adjunct lecturer
Nina Larsson
Adjunct lecturer
Sara Zetterlund
Adjunct lecturer
Sarah Cook
Visiting researcher
Sofia Mikaelsson
Education administrator (on leave)
Stella Karlsson Garonzi
Communications officer
Sven-Erik Hilberer
IT systems administrator
Tonia Carless
Associate professor (on leave)



Latest update: 2023-10-02