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Ställningar med plastsäckar i som ligger placerade i havet.

Image: Kristina Viklund

UMF infrastructure and services

UMF provides advanced infrastructure to researchers and environmental monitoring authorities. This includes everything from premises and advanced experimental equipment to ships and boats, as well as support from our experts in planning, implementation, and analysis.

​A very important resource is the research vessels that are located at UMF. These enable sampling of various kinds to be carried out in coastal areas as well as in the open sea. On board the research vessel KBV 181, for example, there is advanced sampling equipment and a laboratory with equipment for chemical and biological analysis.

UMF's mesocosm facility is one of Europe's most modern, with detailed control of factors such as temperature, light and agitation. Since we often work with issues related to Arctic and subarctic areas, we have developed the possibility of also creating an ice cover in the mesocosms under controlled conditions.

Our infrastructure is available for research and environmental monitoring. Expressions of interest are made via a form, see below.

Apply for funding!

UMF Umeå marina forskningscentrum


A two-year award of SEK 100,000 per annum will be granted to the Fellows to support their research project at UMF. In addition, the Fellows will be supported by an early-career intern with overlapping interests. 

The Fellow will have the opportunity to use the facilities at UMF, including a state-of-the-art mesocosm suite, extensive aquaria experimental halls, several research vessels capable of year-round fieldwork, and a scientific diving team.

Borealis web site

Aquaserv logo


Apply for free access to the UMF facilities!
AQUASERV focuses on research and management of marine and freshwater biological resources, food, and biotechnology. It is coordinated by the Centre of Marine Sciences, Portugal, and brings together 33 partners. UMF is one of them.

Through AQUASERV, you can apply to use UMF's facilities, such as mesocosms and experimental halls, free of charge.

AQUASERV web site

Swerve logo


The Swedish Research Vessel Infrastructure for Marine Research (SWERVE) is a national infrastructure funded by the Swedish Research Council to deliver enhanced access to vessel and data infrastructure for Swedish marine researchers, and support training of a national network of marine technicians.

Umeå Marine Sciences Centre is a part of SWERVE and provides the research vessel KBV 181 for sampling in the Gulf of Bothnia. 

SWERVE web site

European Research Infrastructure project (IRISCC)


IRISCC is an abbreviation for "Integrated Research Infrastructure Services for Climate Change Risks". The project focuses on the effects of climate change and the challenges it leads to. It is coordinated by the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE) and brings together 80 partners from all over Europe.

IRISCC website

Available infrastructure at UMF

Ett stort blått fartyg märkt 181 stävar fram genom tjock is
Research vessel KBV 181

KBV 181 is available for offshore sampling. Sampling can be coordinated with UMF's regular expeditions.

Ett fartyg ligger i vattnet utanför en fältstation
R/V Botnica

The research vessel R/V Botnica is used for coastal sampling in the whole Gulf of Bothnia.

en svävare med namnet Arcitca står på isen bredvid en experimentanläggning.
The hovercraft Arctica

When the ice neither bears nor bursts, the hovercraft Arctica can be used for sampling in coastal areas.

En plåtvägg med Umeå universitets logga och texten Umeå marina forskningscentrum. Flera röda bojar i förgrunden och ett rep som hänger ner
Smaller boats

At UMF there are a number of boats in sizes from 9.75 m in length and down. The boats can be used for various ...

Svarta mesokosmrör med utrustning monterad på sidan
The Mesocosm Facility

The Mesocosm Facility at Umeå Marine Sciences Centre is one of Europe's most advanced. The mesocosms provide p...

Ställningar med plastsäckar i som ligger placerade i havet.
Ice-resistant free-floating mesocosms

The mesocosms are used for ecological and toxicological experiments in harsh and icy conditions.

Experiment halls

Experimental halls for aquatic experiments in a controlled setting and with an advanced water treatment.

UMF Umeå marina forskningscentrum
Marine analyses

Analyses are performed on request for research and environmental monitoring.


Fully equipped laboratory spaces for researchers and a teaching laboratory.

For information about prices, please contact:

Booking request

If you are interested in booking an infrastructure or have any questions about how we can help you, please fill out this booking request. NOTE! It is only a request, not a binding contract.
Choose infrastructure:

The University is a public authority. Messages that you submit here are stored in accordance with Swedish law. Read more at umu.se/en/gdpr about how we process personal data.

Latest update: 2025-02-06