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En vattenyta med en dykare under vatten och en båt på vattnet.

Image: Joakim Ahlgren

Umeå Marine Sciences Centre (UMF)

We contribute to the sustainable development of resilient productive marine ecosystems in Arctic, sub-Arctic and extreme environments.

Research at UMF

Welcome to UMF!

UMF is a hub for marine research in arctic, subarctic and extreme environments. Here, scientists from all over the world meet to perform research at sea or in our advanced indoor facilities.

Research vessel KBV 181

KBV 181 is used for research and environmental monitoring. Onboard, there is advanced equipment for sampling and for biological and chemical analyses. Welcome to join our expeditions!

UMF Umeå marina forskningscentrum
The Borealis UMF Fellowships and Internships

We invite internationally competitive candidates to apply for research fellowship or Internship awards.

Our engagements

Marine research

UMF is a dynamic environment for marine research including a complete suite of analytical platforms.

Monitoring the sea

UMF designs monitoring programs, performs sampling and analyzes and validates results.

Public engagement

Public engagement is a key activity for UMF. We work in cooperation with other universities and institutions.

Latest news

Sinéad Collins
New project investigates the unique characteristics of arctic plankton

Sinéad Collins will provide answers to what makes arctic phytoplankton unique.

En dykare som samlar in prover av vegetation från havsbotten.
We care about biodiversity

We celebrate Biodiversity Day by showing what we are working on in research and environmental monitoring.

Korallrev i Egypten.
Overlooked coastal marine ecosystems capture carbon dioxide

There are many coastal areas whose carbon storage function has been overlooked. These areas must be protected.

Microbes hitchhike to the sea

Freshwater microbes hitchhike with plastic particles to the sea. Does it affect microbes in seawater?

Odling av koraller.
Environmental awareness – the key to successful reef restoration

More consideration to current and future environmental conditions may improve coral reef restoration success.

Blue carbon project receives over SEK 5 million

Development of a policy roadmap for 'blue carbon' is awarded over SEK 5 million in research funding.

Take the bus to UMF!

It is now possible to go by bus all the way to UMF in Norrbyn! We have set up a free morning trip from Hörnefors railway station (Hörnefors resecentrum) to Norrbyn for those who spend the day at UMF. You can easily get to Hörnefors by train from Umeå. During the afternoon, there are several options to choose between.

Timetable (pdf)

Our funders include: