Plate Pal

Degree Project 2023

Recent breakthroughs in nutritional science show that there is great individual variation in how we react to what we eat. The same meal consumed by two different people will produce vastly different reactions. A healthy meal for one person can be another person’s fast track to diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. By documenting your unique response in a seamless way a deeper connection between you and your metabolic health can be created. In a collaboration with nutritional scientists and dietitians, I’ve focused on blood glucose response to everyday meals in order to detect and process individual variability. By continuously looking at blood glucose during a two-week period your unique reaction can be mapped and analyzed in order to produce personalized dietary advice in the form of personal recipes and easy modification to your usual foodstuff.

Project information

Obesity caused by bad diets is a societal health concern that has developed in the last 40 years. Today, 2 billion people are overweight worldwide, including 40 million kids under the age of 5. Our diets have changed rapidly; the annual consumption of sugar in 1700 equals the daily consumption today. In 1980 only 1/10 Americans were obese, today it's 4/10.

Historically, a good meal has been defined by the food on the plate in front of you and not by the person eating it. Most people have an idea of what a healthy meal is. We’ve been shaped by food pyramids and models of curated plates for the last 50 years. But the concept of a good meal isn’t something that we always agreed on. In fact diets and food pyramids have changed more often than not. Whilst us humans have remained the same.

Recent breakthroughs in nutritional science show that there is great individual variation in how we react to what we eat. The same meal consumed by two different people will produce vastly different reactions. A healthy meal for one person can be another person’s fast track to diabetes, obesity and cardiovascular disease. Looking back it seems we have been asking the wrong questions, trying to find a universal “healthy diet”. The one-size-fits-all approach to nutrition is outdated, and it’s time we adopt a more personalized approach.

Plate pal is a concept that aims to increase access to personalized nutrition. In order to foster better dietary health for more people.


Working with wearable tech it's been crucial to evaluate ideas through physical models. I’ve CNC milled prototypes constantly and tried them in a real world environment. These products are worn during long periods of time and during varying activities. Thus a good ergonomic base is needed.

Through interviews with researchers and scientists within nutrition a comprehension of the problem area was created and a focus was placed on blood glucose response in connection to consumption of meals. With continuous monitoring of blood glucose during extended periods of time a personal response profile to different foodstuffs can be created. With the profile, glucose responses can be predicted and personal recipes can be generated. Interviews were conducted with individuals that have changed their diets for health reasons in order to understand how such a change affects the individual.


The result is a non-invasive modular continuous glucose monitor with an app that provides the user with AI based feedback and guidance based on the data provided by the sensor. The modular product can be adjusted to the user's preference, either worn on the wrist with an interface showing real-time data for a deeper connection or worn in a reusable patch on the skin for a more discrete look and feel.

I hope to guide people to a healthier lifestyle by providing personalized dietary advice in an approachable and sustainable format.

Mårten Malmnäs

Bachelor Programme in Industrial Design

In collaboration with:

Product Hardware Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Product Hardware

The Plate Pal App Image:Umeå Institute of Design

The Plate Pal App

Physical prototyping and ergonomic evaluations have been important throughout the project. Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Physical prototyping and ergonomic evaluations have been important throughout the project.

Trying the designs in a real world context. Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Trying the designs in a real world context.

Early ideation focused on how a modular design with good ergonomic properties can be attained. Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Early ideation focused on how a modular design with good ergonomic properties can be attained.

Development of Patch product Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Development of Patch product

Sensor placed in the wrist-worn interface device. Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Sensor placed in the wrist-worn interface device.

Sensor placed directly on the skin using the reusable Patch Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Sensor placed directly on the skin using the reusable Patch

Left: The sensor can easily be moved from the wrist worn product to the Patch directly on the user's skin. Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Left: The sensor can easily be moved from the wrist worn product to the Patch directly on the user's skin.

Building your nutritional ID is easy with the Plate Pal App smart meal documentation. Image:Umeå Institute of Design

Building your nutritional ID is easy with the Plate Pal App smart meal documentation.