Padcloud, Uracloud & Floracloud

Interaction Concept (IxD2) 2024

These days, everything seems to connect with cloud and you are faced with algorithms suggested ads, are we actually making our own decisons or being nudged? Who are looking at our data? Have we tought about what happens when we click on “Accept All” when you open a website? I created 3 smart body leaking objects, Padcloud, Uracloud and Floracloud. It shows how our most initimate data are leaked through our body leaking fluids such as menstrual blood, pee and vaginal discharge. These future smart objects are harvesting our most inimate data by data brokers. In addition to this exibition, a data broker’s role is shown by what I think they see and how they monetize our most inimate data.

Rachel Chuman Zhang

Master's Programme in Interaction Design