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FAQ – The Gender Research school

Thank you for your interest in the Gender Research School and Umeå Centre for Gender Studies! We receive many questions about our centre and we have tried to compile frequently asked questions and their answers below. If you have a question which is not addressed in the FAQ below, please do not hesitate to contact us!

General information

The Gender Research School announces open positions in collaboration with academic departments at Umeå University. This means that the PhD students affiliated to the Gender Research School are employed at an academic department. The departments we collaborate with vary over the years. Therefore, you can only apply for a position if you have a relevant degree in relation to the available openings.

The Gender Research School cannot offer financing to PhD students outside this process.

Frequently asked questions

How do I apply for a PhD position at the Gender Research School?

New PhD positions are usually announced once a year in September. The positions are announced at the Umeå University's website, this website, and at the Swedish Public Employment Service website and in different printed media.

You cannot apply for a position if there are no open positions available.

I do not speak Swedish. Is it still possible for me to enrol on a PhD programme at Umeå University and the Centre for Gender Studies?

Not all academic subjects offer PhD programmes in English. Therefore, we recommend you to contact the departments where you are interested in pursuing your doctorate. If you receive a positive response from them, the Gender Research School offers courses in both Swedish and English.

How can the Gender Research School finance my PhD position?

The Gender Research School co-finances PhD positions together with academic departments at Umeå University. Financing therefore presupposes that you have applied to and have been offered a position in accordance with the process described above. The Gender Research School finances 50 percent of the cost of the PhD position and the academic department the other 50 percent.

I have a PhD position at another university. Can I do part of my dissertation work at the Gender Research School?

Umeå Centre for Gender Studies (UCGS) is always interested in national and international collaborations. However, the Gender Research School only finances students within the school.

Does the Graduate School of Gender Studies have PhD positions in Gender Studies?

Yes. Open positions, when announced, are available at www.umu.se/ucgs and www.umu.se/en/work-with-us/

When and where do I send in my application for the Gender Research School?

You can only send in applications for a PhD position when there are open positions available. There are usually openings on a yearly basis, so we recommend that you regularly check the websites for the latest information. Guidelines for the application process are included in the announcements for open positions.

Can I take part in PhD courses within the Gender Research School even if I am not affiliated to it?

The Gender Research School´s courses are available primarily for students connected to the school. Unaffiliated PhD students are welcome when courses are not filled. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you are interested in any of our courses.


Sara Edenheim
Associate professor

Director of studies


Education coordinator

Veronika Lodwika
Education coordinator

Responsible for course development

Hanna Söderlund
Associate professor
Latest update: 2024-07-01