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Doctoral studies in gender studies

A position as a PhD student in gender studies involves active participation at The Gender Research School, a unique and dynamic research environment, in which about 30 PhD students are participating in.

The programme aiming at a PhD degree in gender studies (filosofie doktorsexamen) consists of 240 ECTS. The licentiate degree in gender studies (filosofie licentiatexamen) consists of 120 ECTS (equivalent to up to two years of full time studies).

Content of the education

Gender studies at the third-cycle level that are to be concluded with a doctoral degree shall comprise a study period of four years and consist of a course component of 60 credits and a doctoral thesis of 180 credits.

The course component consist of 30 credits of mandatory courses and 30 credits of optional courses. The doctoral/licentiate thesis may either take the form of a single coherent work (a monograph) or a compilation of a number of academic essays incorporating an introduction, a brief summary and discussion of the essays (compilation thesis). A compilation thesis shall consist of 4 articles and a so-called introductory chapter (“kappa”). The doctoral thesis to be defended verbally in public. The thesis is assessed with the following grades: G (Pass) or U (Fail). When setting the grade, attention will be paid to the content of the thesis and its defence.


For additional information, please contact

Johanna Overud
Associate professor
Latest update: 2024-07-01