FlickForsk! is a multidisciplinary network that aims to gather and develop Nordic girls' research by creating meeting places and collaboration opportunities for researchers who study young femininity from different perspectives, primarily in the humanities and social sciences.
Since its start in 2008, the network has initiated and implemented several different events and publishing projects in the Nordic countries and internationally. FlickForsk! is part of a larger international research context in which the Finnish girls' research network Tyttötutkimusverkosto and the International Girls Studies Association (IGSA) are important partners. Another important role that the network plays is acting as an expert resource and partner for the various actors and organizations that demand competence within the network.
During its first years of operation, 2008–2014, the network was linked to the Forum for Gender Studies, Mid Sweden University. 2015–2021 had FlickForsk! its residence at the Umeå Center for Gender Studies, Umeå University, and 2022–2024 at the Unit for Social Work at Örebro University. The network is now back at Umeå Center for Gender Studies, Umeå University, and has a steering group currently coordinated by Linda Arnell and Anna-Karin Larsson from Umeå University and Örebro University. Over the years, the steering group members have consisted of members from various universities and academic institutions in Finland, Norway, and Sweden.
The steering group now consists of the following researchers: Linda Arnell, Umeå University and Örebro University, coordinator Anna-Karin Larsson, Örebro University, coordinator Maria Andersson Vogel, Stockholm University Agnes Hamberger, Uppsala University Maria Strömbäck, Umeå University
If you have any questions about the network or want to collaborate, please contact us at flickforsk@umu.se. For updates about FlickForsk! and Nordic girl research, follow us on: www.facebook.com/FlickForsk and on our Instagram @flick_forsk