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Equipment and lab space

UCCB is a modern animal facility with a number of advanced instruments that can be used to analyse different aspects of animal physiology.

Prices and booking

The prices shown on this page are estimates, exact prices for using specific equipment/lab space is found in the booking system.

In order to use UCCB equipment and facilities, you must have a registered user for the booking system and a number of the instruments require that you have passed a specific training.

Information about equipment and the booking system is found on the UCCB information site, only available for Umeå University staff.

Anaesthesia machine

UCCB provides three anaesthesia machines located in the animal units A, B and Infection unit.

Blood chemistry analyser


Why I should run Blood chemistry analysis?

Important information about the homeostatic situation and organ function can be collected from analysis of blood chemistry parameters.

Electrolytes, Creatinine – kidney function. Changes in electrolyte composition can directly influence transmission in PNS and CNS and thereby affect several organ systems.

Changes in blood concentration of Albumin, ALP, ALT and Bilirubin may reflect the status of the liver.

The instrument

The blood chemistry analyser provides quantitative in vitro determination of clinical chemistry analyses in whole blood, heparinized plasma or serum within 12 minutes.
The sample size is approx. 100 μl anticoagulated whole blood, heparinized plasma or serum. Collect the blood sample in lithium-heparinized treated tubes (for instance Sarstedt Microvette 20.1292.100).

The price for each rotor differ between SEK 350 to 450 + freight. Shelf-life is 6 month, see document for description of the full set of rotors.
Contact the coordinator for order of rotors, at least one week prior to experiment.
Price for the lab space is calculated for the numbers of discs ordered.


For more information contact the coordinator.

The principles of the procedure is as follows:
Heparinised whole blood (or heparinized plasma or serum) is pipetted into the rotor. The rotor contain a diluted and test-specific reagent beads. The rotor is placed in analyser and enters the appropriated identification numbers. The analyser automatically performs the remaining of the testing protocol.
The rotor spins and the whole blood is separated into plasma and blood cells. The plasma get diluted and through centrifugal and capillary forces, get distributed to cuvettes on the perimeter of the rotor. Reagent beads in the cuvette are dissolved by the diluted plasma resulting in chemical reactions monitored photometrically by the analyser, i.e., analyte concentrations are calculated.

Fume hood

For work with isotopes, located at unit B.

Climate chamber

The climate chamber setup can be used to study how environmental factors may affect the outcome of the experiments in the field of cancer research, immunology, metabolism, pathology etc., particular attention paid on the effect on ambient temperatures.

Metabolic cages

The instrument is designed for live measurement of mice and delivers precise body composition measurements of fat, lean, free water, and total water mass. Scanning takes 0.5-3.2 minutes, depending on the precision options.

User training is mandatory

Startup fee including a mandatory introduction course: SEK 3,072.
The instrument can be booked for a minimum of a 24h at a cost of SEK 2,576.

Intraocular pressure - Icare


Hand-held device for measuring intra-ocular pressure (IOP) in rodents (mice and rats) in a non-invasive, painless, safe and hygienic manner.

SEK 130 for four hours.
Using the tonometer contact the prefekt.

Latest update: 2024-05-15