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Animal units

Umeå center for comparative biology (UCCB) is the University facility for experimental animals intended for the production of genetically modified animals, breeding and experimental use of animals. Within UCCB there are several different animal units.

Barrier Unit

The barrier unit is intended for breeding of mice. Only purchased mouse strains with documented health records are brought into the barrier. If you need to breed strains that are housed in a conventional unit or do not have a documented good health status, an embryo transfer must be performed. In order to avoid spreading infectious agents between animals, it is not permitted to move adult or postnatal animals into the barrier. All animals are kept in IVC (individual ventilated cages) systems.

Conventional animal units

Unit A and B are intended for the holding and experimental use of mice and rats.
The units are designed for a high degree of disease control. Most of the animals are kept in so-called open cages, but will be converted to IVC systems in due time. The IVC system reduces the chance that airborne infections can spread in the animal colony as each cage is a single unit.

Infection Unit

The Infection unit is designed for studies in mice and rats involving microorganisms and / or cell lines up to bio safety level (BSL) 2.
In addition, within the Infection unit there are approved proceedings and procedures for working with chemotherapy and/or hormone-disrupting agents. All animals are kept in IVC systems.
Questions? Contact the Named Animal Care and Welfare Officer,  (NACWO)

Large Animal Unit

The large animal unit include two animal rooms on level 2 and three laboratory for experimental studies on level 4.



Instruments available at the Large Animal Unit.

Latest update: 2024-05-15