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Memory and Learning

This project is part of Umeå School of Education (USE). The main goal is to offer a neuroscience perspective on central questions related to learning.

One theme is concerned with the "testing effect" (Karpicke & Roediger, 2008, Science), and fMRI is used to examine how patterns of brain activity change as a function of repeated testing. Preliminary findings implicate the medial frontal cortex in the testing effect (Eriksson, Kalpouzos & Nyberg, 2011, Neurosci. Lett.). This issue is currently explored further in collaboration with colleagues at the Department of Psychology (Karlsson, Wiklund-Hörnqvist et al., 2014, submitted). The effectiveness of repeated testing appears to be attributable to decreased activation in control networks and increased activation in parietal areas.

Another theme relates to another project within USE and examines learning advantages and neural correlates of various forms of mathematics learning. Preliminary findings imply that activity in parietal cortex might be modulated by learning strategy and plays a pivotal role for mathematical proficiency (Karlsson, Lithner et al., 2014, submitted).

Lars Nyberg & Linnea Karlsson




Involved UFBI-members: Linnea Karlsson, Carola Wiklund-Hörnkvist, Peter Vestergren, Lars Nyberg, .

Involved partners:
Bert Jonsson, Johan Lithner.

Latest update: 2022-11-02