Öhman, Lena (2006). Perceived chronic stress and cognition.
Eriksson, Johan (2004). Neuroimaging conscisousness: What happens in the brain when we become aware of what we perceive?
Marklund, Petter (2004). Shared component processes in working memory and long-term memory: Insights from functional brain imaging.
Master projects
Michel-Häggström, David & Sandström, Anette (2014). Högre kroppsmassa påverkar kognitiva funktioner hos friska vuxna.
Samrani, George (2014). Longitudinal mapping of hippocampal
subfield volumes and episodic memory changes: from children to senior adults.
Hagkvist, Filip & Lindner, Philip (2013). Neuroplasticity and motor performance after motor, mental or combined training for seniors.
Nekkanti, Harsha Kiran (2013). Additive effect of KIBRA and CLSTN2 on memory-related brain activation.
Katarina Franck (2012). Neurocognitive aspects of methanol poisoning: A case report.
Öhlund, Maria (2012). How does feedback affect the testing effect?
Bergström, Fredrik (2011). Comparing neural correlates of conscious and unconscious working memory.
Lundström, Peter (2010). Inside the brain of elite athletes: A pilot fMRI-study.
Månsson, Kristoffer (2010). Neural respons till information i tre valenser för patienter med social ångest: En studie med funktionell magnetresonanstomografi (fMRI) på informationsprocessande av positivt, neutralt och negativt lexikalt stimuli.
Öhlund, Maria (2010). Brain areas involved in the retrieval of updated memories: The long-term effects.
Kauppi, Karolina (2008). Modality precificity and modality independency in accessibility and availability of memory.
Molin, Jonas (2008). Examining prospective memory using VR and fMRI: An exploratory study.
Pudas, Sara (2008). Exploring sex differences – Preliminary mapping of sexually dimorphic variables in individuals with congenital adrenal hyperplasia and Klinefelter's syndrome.
Stiernstedt, Mikael (2008). Brain areas involved in updating of the long-term memory: An fMRI study.
Hilborn, Olle (2007). Prospektivt minne i virtuellt Umeå.
Johansson, Anna-Karin & Dahlin, Erika (2005). Träning av den exekutiva processen uppdatering.
Nilsson, Karina (2005). Självskattad nedstämdhet, oro och stress vid lätt traumatisk skallskada – en longitudinell studie
Olsson, Carl-Johan (2004). Imagery training improves performance on a finger tapping task.
Johansson, Daniel (2003). Att definiera och studera hjärnergonomi.
Nording, Sofia (2003). Stress och utmattningssyndrom ur ett neuropsykologiskt perspektiv: En litteraturöversikt och pilotdata från en fMRI-studie.
Eriksson, Johan (2002). Getting physical with consciousness: Exploring mind-brain relations with fMRI.
Backman, Anders (1998). Visualization of positron emission tomography (PET) scan data.
Bachelor projects
Awad, Amar (2014). Preserved somatosensory conduction to the brain in a patient suffering from clinically complete spinal cort injury: An fMRI case report.
Israelsson, Maria (2014). Beror konjunktionsfelet på attributsubstitution? En studie på sannolikhetsbedömningar.
Forsberg, Simon (2013). Development of a real-time approach to interindividual interaction.
Lindh, Daniel (2013). Neurocognitive processes during repeated study and repeated testing: An fMRI experiment on the testing effect.
Rosendahl, Alexander (2013). Non-conscious retention and working memory load.
Sehlstedt, Isac (2012). Is increased performance on one cognitively challenging task a predictor of increased performance on others?
Bergqvist, Joakim (2011). Learning in a multiple-cue judgment task: Evidence for shifts from rule-based processing to similarity-based processing.
Bergström, Fredrik (2011). Tracing subliminal memory traces.
Kruggel, Lisa (2011). Method to find the neural correlates of multiple-cue judgment.
Vilhelmsson, Sara (2011). Learning material with different difficulty: When is testing more beneficial than study?
Forsberg, Kristina (2004). An MRI-study of the hippocampus volume in normal aging: relation to explicit memory.
Lind, Johanna (2001). Hjärnavbildningsstudier av plasticitet: En översikt.
Marklund, Petter (2000). Examining the effects of mild head injury on cognitive functioning.
Caillot, Dorothée (1998). Memory, head injury and solvent exposure: Analyses of data from the Betula study.