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Umeå Center for Functional Brain Imaging (UFBI)

Umeå center for Functional Brain Imaging is an inter-disciplinary research center where imaging techniques are used to examine brain structure and function in relation to both basic and clinical questions.

To date, more than 100 researchers within Umeå University and more than 50 external researchers have been involved in UFBI-projects as co-authors on publications based on data collected at UFBI.

Latest portraits and reports

Beyond the moment - brain research then, now and in the future

At UFBI, the brain and memory are studied through longitudinal studies using MRI and PET.

News & Calendar

ERC funding for research on ageing brain
Published: 2024-12-04

Alireza Salami, Department of Medical and Translational Biology, has received an ERC Consolidation Grant.

Three new VR-projects granted for UFBI associated researchers
Published: 2024-11-11

Researchers associated with UFBI receives 16 MSEK from VR.

Changes in the brain detected in severe PMS
Published: 2024-08-14

Changes in both brain function and structure can be seen in women with a severe form of PMS, shows a thesis.

SEK 108 million to basic research from Wallenberg Scholars
Published: 2024-03-26

Six Umeå University researchers have been admitted to the Wallenberg Scholars programme 2024.

Kunskapsnoden kicks off prioritised research areas
Published: 2024-01-31

The three cross-faculty areas show the width and edge of research at Umeå University.

There are currently no upcoming events for this area. Do you want to see upcoming events for the entire university? Go to our calendar.

Contact information

Anders Wåhlin
Other position, associate professor, combined with clinical employment
Lars Nyberg
Professor, other position
Sara Pudas
Research fellow, associate professor, other position
Mikael Stiernstedt
Research engineer, other position