With Mögelmint {Lulu & lime) and Sebastian Blind
Friday January 1O to Saturday January 11 2025 12:00-12:00 (24 hours)
Galleriet, Academy of Fine Arts, Umeå, Sweden
Welcome to ACT 1, a long duralional painling performance that explores rituals, soundscapes, and the interaction of art with energy and environment, while also investigating what happens to the psyche and body when subjected to a prolonged process under observation.
lnstructions for Visitors to ACT 1
Doors Open: Feel free to come and go during the lime of the ritual.
Soundscapes: The sounds you hear are created live, forming an integral part of the performance. At specific limes, invited artists will join as collaborators, adding their unique sounds to the experience.
Respect the Boundary: The line on the Hoor marl(s the boundary between the audience and the artist. Please do not cross this barrier.
Sealing and Rest: You are welcome to lake a seat or lay down during your visit. Chairs and mattresses are available in the spaoe for your comfort.
Engage Respectfully: Your energy influences the performance. Observe, reflect, tune in, and absorb quietty. Avoid direct interaction with the artist during the act.
Food Policy: To preserve locus and the experience during the performance, I kindty ask that no food other than served is brought into the room during this lime.
Thank you for being part of this evolving ritual. Your presenoe and energy shape ACT 1.
Warmly welcome!
Latest update: 2025-01-10