Yuri Rusinov (Georgios Lazaridis)

Yuri Rusinov attempts to explore a collective subjective superstructure, a topos [place] that may not be spoken but traced.

Yuri Rusinov attempts to explore a collective subjective superstructure, a topos [place] that may not be spoken but traced. He calls this tracing an "aimless venture", navigation without a conclusion or purpose, a state of intuition and spontaneity, an operation for researching art that is not denouncing or rejecting aims, but provides a fruitful drift in "not understanding". This aimlessness is intuitive thinking without contrasting with analytical thinking, both are tools for understanding the duration of time, of the moment, of the event. Aspiring to be a cooperator instead of an operator in his work, he traces possibilities and recurring patterns by marking, sculpting, or repurposing surfaces. Yuri Rusinov searches for limitations that will make art readable as a language, taking into consideration not only the object of art but also its presentation.

Paintings removed from the wall are suspended and mounted on constructions, suggesting artwork as apparatus for what he calls events. Ultimately, Rusinov wants us to see the trajectories of expressions weaving our reality, to the point that we are domed, enclosed, and bordered.

Exhibited works, degree exhibition

I took my eyes off one thing to look at another, Oil on canvas, with orbiting objects: a poem, and an object

What a delight to sink the teeth into, to be a dog biting a chair, Oil on canvas

Waiting to break out in smiles, Oil on canvas

Styx Antenna, Oil on canvas, wood, mounted on a construction

Latest update: 2022-11-24