Anton Backe

The installation Quotidian Ascension consists of multiple artworks that refer to the laws of nature, principles of harmony and the structures that bind us.

The recognisable and daily reoccur and are in conversation with mathematical mysticism. Hollerith Breach – hundreds of holes have been drilled through a wall from the exhibition space into a storage room used by the museum. The holes are arranged in structural rows forming a message in Hollerith code used earlier for punched cards, a predecessor to current computerised system. Monotonicity I-II – we see mundane objects casted in beeswax lit up from inside, maybe as a way to attract insects.

'The recognisable and the daily reoccur within strict mathematical mysticism. Ascension. Mundane objects transforming. Repetitive patterns breaking up and reappearing.'

The scenario is set for an insect to fall into a tray of honey – a honey trap. In the ancient correspondence – relayed by the trope of light – the insect becomes a figure of knowledge as well as nature. A solar figure, of cognition that gives the mind and the senses access to invisible juxtapositions: the insect, the work, the everyday work, a moment of tense wonder and illumination.

Exhibited works, degree exhibition


Hollerith Breach, Holes

Monotonicity I, Casts of document, trays in beeswax, lights

Monotonicity II, Cast of pencils in beeswax, lights, cable

Solitary Bee, Ventilation grills, lights

Honey Trough, Aluminium, ecological honey

Latest update: 2022-11-24