Maja Gregor
(b. 1999, Koprivnica, Croatia)
And you can hold me, as he held her, 2024
Photo work
A self portrait
The edge
I can’t mourn anymore
A love letter
Love without violence
My spine can no longer be touched by idle fingers
They say hair holds memories
This is not a love letter
Portrait of Abdulsalam / Portrait of Sam
Maja Gregor works mostly with mediums of photography and cinematography with a focus on themes such as femininity, sexuality and self-identity. She often uses the camera as a tool to examine personal relationships and the effect they have on the relationship she has with herself.
The work And you can hold me, as he held her serves as a reflective journal entry, exploring personal events and experiences through the lens of a camera. The installation conveys a story and perspectives on life, inviting the viewer to intertwine their own personal experiences with the artist’s intimate reflections. It invites you to act as an observer: observer of life, observer of the subject, observer of the observer.
Latest update: 2024-08-09