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Research projects

Forest Trail: Global Traces of Timber Production
Over two years and thousands of kilometers, this project will follow Swedish trees through every step of industrial production from forest plantati...
Type of project Research project
Duration 8 February 2024
In-between the lines: an exploration of the street as a place of cultural negotiation
This study explores the relationship between the fixed fabric of an urban fragment, the fluid negotiation of street space by an established migrant...
Type of project Research project
Duration 8 February 2024
This research and artistic project explore how humans and other living beings are affected and interconnected in the experience of sudden grief and...
Type of project Research project
Duration 8 February 2024
Healing the Wounds
The Healing the Wounds research project aims to make better use of the large amounts of waste from the forestry and packaging industries. The proje...
Type of project Research project
Duration 8 February 2024
Little Things
Små Grejer (Little Things) is a pocket architecture guide to Umeå Kommun which gathers together a collection of hybridized buildings where...
Type of project Research project
Duration 8 February 2024
Sympoietic Collaboratory
The Sympoietic Collaboratory (SPC) brings together researchers to diversify thinking about more-than-human flourishing. Working with divergent...
Type of project Forskargrupp
Scentsory Foraging
Tracing the eros of olfaction in multi-species metabolisms
Type of project Research project
Duration 21 August 2023 until 20 August 2025
UmArts Art & AI research project
To investigate how research in art, design and architecture can contribute to the social and ethical discourses of Artificial Intelligence and...
Type of project Research project
Duration 6 April 2023 until 5 April 2028
Nuclear Culture
How can theoretical and curatorial work on nuclear culture and aesthetics create a new geo-political space for decolonial nuclear traces over time...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 April 2023
Maker Utopias
A collaborative design research project investigating the visions and practices of makers and hackers, using speculative critical making to create...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 March 2023
Sweden’s Timber Empire. Resource driven colonisation in Baltic Sea region.
An architectural and artistic research project investigating the social and creative processes critically mapping the extent of the Swedish owned...
Type of project Research project
Duration 16 January 2023 until 30 December 2023
To Know and Be Known by (a) Place
The reciprocal process of getting to know a place, and in turn being known by that place, is at the centre of this research project. By bringing...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2024
Of tree nurseries, and other possible forms of phenomenotechnical geoengineering
investigates alternative phenomenotechnics to global warming.
Type of project Post-doc project
Duration 1 January 2023
Pushing the limits of craft
The project aim to explore what possibilities, but also what challenges exist in the meeting between traditional craft and digital design, between...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2023 until 31 December 2023
Strangers at Home
A study of how volunteer housing support for asylum seekers in Sweden is reshaping domestic architecture.
Type of project Research project
Duration 15 June 2022
Crafting Revisited
In this Small Visionary Project we intend to investigate the tension between digital and analogue production, primarily related to materiality, by...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2022 until 1 December 2022
Making the Difference: Izmir
Using participatory methods to design and build a classroom on the roof of TIAFI Community Centre which provides practical and educational support ...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2022
To the North
A performative architecture project to rethink urban expansion through a nomadic process of return and exchange.
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2022
The Power of Gentleness
The Power of Gentleness is a discursive research project on how architecture can examine how micro-experiences of power and strength in our everyda...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2022
Home Participatory Orchestra
Home Participatory Orchestra (HPO) is a SVP-project funded by UmArts. In HPO artistic researcher and composer Anders Lind explores a participatory...
Type of project Research project
Duration 1 January 2021
Latest update: 2023-04-26