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Zeno Gries

Zeno Gries has an open-ended approach to artistic work, deliberately relinquishing control over certain aspects of the creative process. This methodology often leads him to collaborate with scholars, actors, and other artists from various disciplines. Gris works as both an artist and a programmer/software developer. This position between the two practices led him to be further interested in the workings of AI as a technology, but also as a research and social practice.

Zeno Gries has an open-ended approach to artistic work, deliberately relinquishing control over certain aspects of the creative process. This methodology often leads him to collaborate with scholars, actors, and other artists from various disciplines. By embracing a performative surrender of power and control in his productions, Zeno Gries aims to challenge a traditional patriarchal approach to directing and art practice. Gries utilizes a diverse and ever-evolving range of new media, with a primary focus on film, video, and software. 

Gries works as both an artist and a programmer/software developer. Thus, he has insight into the process of artistic work and also the mode of thinking that computer technologies are based on. This position between the two practices led him to be further interested in the workings of AI as a technology, but also as a research and social practice, too. Gries is currently developing two projects. His project thinking and reasoning (WT) will address the cybernetic mindset that is becoming more and more ubiquitous in our language and thoughts. It also forms the basic premise for much of AI development. The other current project, I believe in death bots (WT), will be an essay film about so-called “death bots”: AI that is trained with the data of deceased per- sons in order to create immortal digital versions of them. This exploration of “ghosts” in the context of new technologies will serve as a starting point to examine the everyday mystifications of modern technologies such as AI. 

Zeno Gries's project is an Art and AI micro-project at UmArts, in collaboration with TAIGA Centre for Transdisciplinary AI. In this residency, the artists are invited to develop new projects investigating Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as part of the Art and AI Working Group.


Latest update: 2024-06-26