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Artist Researchers in Residence

The UmArts Artist Researchers in Residence Programme (ARIR) provides the opportunity for artists and makers to contribute to the UmArts research environment for one month. The programme focuses on interdisciplinary practice-based researchers from the visual arts, sound arts, media arts, performing arts, architectural, design, maker and hacker communities to develop short term projects in the UmArts research studio and contribute to the UmArts research environment.

ARIRs 2024/2025

Ett konstverk av ett skrivbord och stol med papper utspridda på en röd matta i form av ett kryss.
Nisrine Boukhari

Nisrine Boukhari is an artist/theorist, using language in her practice.

En hand som håller i ett foto av en hand som trycker på en gammal dator.
Zeno Gries

Zeno Gries is an artist and a programmer and software developer and is working transdisciplinary with AI.

Person som trycker på en rosa knapp på en maskin med många färger
Cyanne van den Houten

Cyanne van den Houten is an artist working with the parallels between magic and technology.

Teckning av ett löv
Ana Zdravković

Ana Zdravković is a visual artist and researcher working mostly in painting and drawing.

The UmArts Artistic Researchers in Residence (ARIR) programme offers two different residencies:


This is an Art and AI micro-project at UmArts, in collaboration with TAIGA Centre for Transdisciplinary AI. In this residency, the artists are invited to develop new projects investigating Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning as part of the Art and AI Working Group.


This is a program open for artists and researchers within all art forms. The resident contributes to UmArt's interdisciplinary research environment and have the opportunity to make new contacts and form new collaborations.

Artistic Researchers in Residence for 2024/2025 are:

Zeno Gries and Cyanne van den Houten (TAIGA ARIR).

Ana Zdravković and Nisrine Boukhari (ARIR).


Clara West
Research coordinator, other position
Latest update: 2024-06-26