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Illustration av flod och ställningar

Image: Ida Åberg

Hurricanes and Scaffolding: Symposium on Artistic Research

Programme Day 3

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  • 09.00-10.30 Parallel sessions

    • Conversations with Computa: how a speculative monologue on AI from 1966 was transformed into an opera. "Carl Unander-Scharin", "Åsa Unander-Scharin" The Conspiracy Capitaliser. "Robert Collins" A mixed initiative approach for comic creation in an artistic practice and beyond. "Yana Knight" Stochastic Pirate Radio (KSPR): A look to the future of radio in the world of generative AI. "Bob Sturm", "Marco Amerotti", "David Dalmazzo", "Laura Cros Vila","Luca Casini", "Elin Kanhov" Ada Research - A Meta-Quest into the World of Algorithms. "Palle Torsson"
    • Session Ä - Talks: Mapping/structures

      The Assembly. "Anca Rujoiu" UNVEILING THE TEXTILE MAP AS A TOOL FOR SPATIAL UNDERSTANDING. "Isabel Arteaga-Arredondo" 'Doing' research: linking artistic research and humanities through a transversal method. "Mikael Andersson" Sound of Democracy. "Sandra Kopljar", "Philip Dodds", "Mark Nicholas Grimshaw-Aagaard", "Sanne Groth", "Clara Gustafsson", "Marie Koldkjær Højlund", "Kristoffer Mattisson", "Dalia Mukhtar-Landgren", "Enrico Ronchi" Swedens Timber Empire. "Toms Kokins"
    • Session Ö - Conversation

      Workers’ Inquiry and Self-Representations within Logistics Networks as Transnational Collaborative Artistic Research Process. "Benjamin Gerdes"
    • Session Y - Talks: Scaffolding

      Infrastructural poetics: Publishing as scaffolding. "Cecilia Grönberg", "Jonas (J) Magnusson" What is data anyway? "Danielle Wilde", "Markéta Dolejšová" Interconnectedness with Forest. The Impact of Mindfulness for an Art-Based Practice on Collaboration with Trees in Nordic-Baltic region. "Julija Pociūtė" + Change collection - working heterogeneously together for agency in artistic practice. "Mathilda Tham", "Zeenath Hasan", "Yanki Lee", "Juliana Restrepo Giraldo", "Marie Sterte", "Åsa Ståhl", "Christina Zetterlund" LasTesis’ A Rapist in Your Path: Performing Affective Solidarities for a Brieftopia Free from Gender-Based Violence. "Michelle Mejia"
    • Session Z - Panel

      Generative Influence. Panelists: "Andrea Khôra", "Paola Torres Nuñez Del Prado" and "Dimitri Coelho Mollo". Convened by: "Daniel Shanken" (UmArts WASP-HS Post-doctoral researcher in Architecture and Artificial Intelligence).
  • 10.30-11.00 Coffee break

  • 11.00–12.00 Plenary Session

    • Plenary Session

      Reports from the panels, conversations and discussions, END of Symposium
Latest update: 2024-12-04