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UCMR Seminars Series

UCMR regular seminars aim to connect the research environment of UCMR to the world and to promote collaboration. The programme is complementary to UCMR Distinguished Guests Seminar Series.

UCMR seminars Spring 2024

Lone Simonsen och Kim Sneppen
UCMR seminar: Lone Simonsen and Kim Sneppen

Welcome to a UCMR two seminar 30 May at 14:00-16:00 in Major Groove.

Collage Sascha Martens och Sabrina Büttner
UCMR seminar: Sascha Martens and Sabrina Büttner

Welcome to a UCMR two seminar 25 April at 14:00-16:00 in Lilla hörsalen, KBC.

UCMR seminars 2023

26 October UCMR seminar: Fabrice Laurent

Fabrice Laurent from INRAE lectures on Cryptosporidiosis that is a threat to human and animal health.

Latest update: 2024-04-04