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Principal investigators

UCMR comprises 77 research groups from eleven departments at the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science and Technology.

Principal investigators within UCMR

Clas Ahlm Lab

We study disease mechanisms in two severe viral infections, hantavirus hemorrhagic fever and COVID-19, to unde...

Fredrik Almqvist Lab

Method development and synthesis of molecules used for treatment of infectious and neurodegenerative diseases.

Agneta Andersson lab - Marine ecology

Research area at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science

Magnus Andersson - Biophysics and Biophotonics group

Deveolops advanced optical techniques to study biological systems, including how bacteria attach to surfaces.

Magnus P Andersson Lab

Develops synchrotron-based time-resolved X-ray methodology and studies protein dynamics of membrane proteins.

Anknuten som övrig/annan befattning till Institutionen för molekylärbiologi
Iker Aramburu lab

We are studying the role that microproteins and disordered proteins play in innate immune processes.

Niklas Arnberg Lab

We are doing research about the molecules and mechanisms that viruses need to bind to and enter our cells.

Anna Arnqvist lab
Anna Arnqvist Lab

We study mechanisms for stochastic and tightly controlled regulation of Helicobacter pylori adhesins.

Kemal Avican Lab

We use an experimental systems biology approach to study microbial infections.

Marta Bally Lab

Our group studies virus-membrane interactions.

Sven Bergström Lab

Infectious and virulence properties of Borrelia spirochete and the intracellular parasite Chlamydia.

Ronnie Berntsson Lab

The group studies structural biology of type 4 secretion systems.

Oliver Billker Lab

The group investigates how malaria parasites reproduce in mosquitoes and get transmitted.

Ellen Bushell Lab

The group studies molecular mechanisms of malaria parasite-host interactions.

Eric Capo lab
Eric Capo lab

We study the microbial diversity of aquatic ecosystems.

Lars-Anders Carlson Lab

Our group studies structure and mechanism of viral replication complexes.

Laura Carroll Lab

We develop bioinformatic approaches to monitor and combat the spread of bacterial pathogens.

Felipe Cava lab

Bacterial cell wall composition and its contribution to long-standing and emerging infectious diseases.

Changchun Chen Lab

We are investigating acute and chronic oxygen sensation in the nematode C. elegans.

Chinmay Dwibedi
Chinmay Dwibedi Lab

Our group aims to study human gut microbes at a high resolution to study functional differences.

Mikael Elofsson lab

The research group develops antiviral and antibacterial compounds.

Saskia ErttmannStaff scientist (tjänstledig) vid Institutionen för molekylärbiologiEnhet: Grupp Saskia ErttmannForskarassistent vid Institutionen för molekylärbiologiEnhet: Grupp Saskia Erttmann
Saskia Erttmann Lab

Unraveling the molecular mechanisms during the microbial-driven onset and resolution of inflammation

Magnus Evander Lab

We study viruses that are transmitted from animals or mosquitoes. Also, we develop antiviral drugs.

Anne-Marie Fors Connolly Lab

The research focuses on the cardiovascular complications following HFRS and the underlying mechanisms thereof.

Mattias Forsell Lab

We characterize how human B cells in circulation and tissues are affected by underlying disease.

Matthew Francis Lab

Francis' laboratory aims to understand the physiology and pathogenesis of bacteria.

Teresa Frisan Lab

We study the role of bacterial genotoxins in modulation of intestinal mucosa homeostasis.

Maria Fällman Lab

Molecular mechanisms involved in bacterial persistence in host tissue.

Gerhard Gröbner Lab

NMR methods to understand the function of biological membranes, their proteins and role in various diseases.

Hare med vit vinterpäls sitter i naturen.
Tomas Gustafsson lab

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Åsa Gylfe Lab

We research about novel antibacterial strategies for treatment of Chlamydia.

Christian Hedberg Lab

We develop of chemical tools to dissect infection mechanisms at molecular level.

Johan Henriksson lab
Johan Henriksson Lab

Our group aims at integrating all regulatory mechanisms about T cells in a single predictive model

Anders Hofer Lab

We study biosynthetic pathways of nucleotides in T. brucei, G. lamblia, B. burgdorferi and other pathogens.

Jörgen Johansson Lab

Stress regulatory mechanisms and RNA-mediated regulation in the bacterial pathogen Listeria monocytogen.

Verena Kohler ger en pitch medan hon står framför en skärm som visar en bild där det står "var behöver vi akademiska vänner".Verena Kohler gives a pitch while she stands in front of a screen that shows a slide that says "where do we need academic friends".
Verena Kohler lab

Implications of ageing and disease on cellular protein quality control.

Annasara Lenman lab

Our lab investigates viral mechanisms of infection and host susceptibility,

Eric Libby lab

We are interested in how simple organisms evolve into complex ones.

Alicia LindAnknuten som läkare till Institutionen för diagnostik och interventionEnhet: Anestesiologi och intensivvård
Alicia Lind lab

The interplay between the immune system and metabolism in severe infections such as sepsis and COVID-19.

Peter Lind Lab

Modelling to predict the evolution of biofilm mutants and antibiotic resistance in Pseudomonas bacteria

Anna Linusson Lab

The group studies new molecules with pharmaceutical relevance for sleeping sickness, malaria and dengue.

Richard Lundmark Lab

Membrane sculpting is fundamental for many cellular processes, and malfunction is implicated in many diseases.

Nicolò Maccaferri: Ultrafast Nanophotonics and Advanced Functional Materials

In our group we study both the fundamental and applied aspects of light-matter interactions.

Andre Mateus lab

Understanding how proteins function and interact in the species of the human gut microbiome.

Porträttbild på Ya-Fang Mei , Institutionen för klinisk mikrobiologi.
Ya-Fang Mei Lab

Our research group studies novel oncolytic adenovirus 11p vectors in the treatment of human solid tumors.

Debra Milton Lab

Our group studies virulence and survival of the fish bacetria Vibrio anguillarum.

Ignacio Mir-Sanchis Lab

Our group studies antimicrobial resistance - phage therapy.

Anknuten som forskare till Institutionen för molekylärbiologi6K och 6L, SjukhusområdetUmeå universitet, 901 87 UmeåForskare vid Institutionen för molekylärbiologi6K och 6L, SjukhusområdetUmeå universitet, 901 87 UmeåAnknuten som forskare till Molekylär Infektionsmedicin, Sverige (MIMS)6L, Institutionen för molekylärbiologiInstitutionen för molekylärbiologi, 90187 Umeå
Ryo Morimoto lab

Studying processes that drive the diversification of antigen recognition molecules in the immune system.

Aftab Nadeem Lab

Bacteria secreted effector molecules: Role in host pathogenesis and biotechnological applications.

Johan Normark lab

Our research is about host immunological and metabolomic responses to acute infections and vaccination.

Jan Oscarsson Lab

Our group studies mechanisms of the bacterium A. actinomycetemcomitans and periodontal diseases.

Karina Persson Lab

Our group studies structure and function of proteins involved in bacterial virulence.

Madeleine Ramstedt Lab

Our group studies interactions between bacteria and materials.

Porträttfoto Johan Rasmuson, biträdande universitetslektor, kombinerad med klinisk tjänstgöring vid Institutionen för klinisk mikrobiologi
Johan Rasmuson lab

text is coming soon

Porträtt på Max Renner
Max Renner lab

Molecular and biochemical mechanisms in viral replication and strategies viruses use to subvert host cells.

Linda Sandblad lab

Electron microscopy methods to study bacteria cytoskeleton structure, assembly and spatial organization.

Uwe Sauer Lab

Structural biology and bioinformatics to understand processes in proteins: folding, stability, interactions.

Elisabeth Sauer-Eriksson Lab

We design and identify substances that can inhibit bacterial virulence and dismantle their action.

Björn Schröder lab

Gut microbiota and intestinal mucosal barrier function.

Victoria Shingler Lab

Our research concerns bacterial signal-sensing and Integration

Barbara Sixt Group

Cell-autonomous immunity and bacterial evasion strategies

Henrik Sjödin Lab

Researches on public health, global health and infectious epidemiology.

Anders Sjöstedt

Type VI secretion system of Francisella tularensis ā€“  elucidation of its structure and assembly control.

Nicklas Strömberg Lab

Studies why some people suffer from chronic infectious diseases and how dental care can be individualized.

Lena Svensson Lab

Our research group is interested in how to understand how integrins are regulated and reused.

Johan Trygg Chemometrics Lab

Our focus: advanced data analytics to understand complex biological systems using data-driven modeling tools

Anne Tuiskunen Bäck
Anne Tuiskunen Bäck lab

My research group investigate the occurrence and impact of viruses in human diseases.

Bernt Eric Uhlin Lab

Bacterial fitness mechanisms of pathogenic variants of E. coli and opportunistic A.baumannii.

Constantin Urban Lab

Our group is interested in the basic processes of infections with pathogenic fungi.

Sun Nyunt Wai Lab

Exploring modulation of host cell signaling mediated by secreted bacterial factors.

Ulrika Westerlind lab

We study molecular tools to map bacteria interactions with the host mucin O-glycome.

Olivia Wesula Lwande lab

Our research focuses on the virus-mosquito and mosquito-host interactions.

Johan Wikner Lab

Research area at the Department of Ecology and Environmental Science Research area: Marin ecology

Magnus Wolf-Watz lab

The focus of Magnus Wolf-Watz lab is to uncover the complex linkages between protein dynamics and biological f...

Yaowen Wu Lab

Chemical and chemo-optogenetic approach on autophagy and membrane trafficking regulated by small GTPases.

Anna Överby Wernstedt lab

The Överby lab is focusing on different aspects of tick-borne encephalitis virus.

Alumni PI

Research leaders who were previously UCMR PIs.

UCMR affiliated members (part time)

Gisa Gerold Lab

Virus entry into cells: host protein networks guiding virus infection and how we can block them.

Emeritus UCMR PIs

Fredrik Elgh Lab

The group's research is about the herpes virus and its role in the development of Alzheimer's disease.

Birgitta Evengård

Our group studies infectious diseases and climate change in the north.

Åke Forsberg Lab

Our group studies molecular mechanism of Type III secretion systems.

Marie-Louise Hammarström Lab

Our group studies colorektal cancer and biomarkers for prognosis.

Tor Ny Lab

Currently, we work mainly on the role of plasminogen in wound healing.

Hans Wolf-Watz lab

Research about type III secretion system of pathogenic Yersinia.

Latest update: 2024-10-09