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UCMR promotes interdisciplinary cutting-edge microbial research. UCMR brings together 77 research groups from the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty of Science and Technology at Umeå University.
77 research groups are affiliated to UCMR.
Research leaders who were previously UCMR PIs.
Scientific articles that UCMR researchers have published.
Umeå University is at the international forefront in the research area of infection biology.
Antimicrobial resistance is a global public health problem that is increasing at an alarming rate.
COVID-19 research is a priority and urgent at Umeå University.
MIMS is a close collaborator and a part of UCMR.
MIMS (under the umbrella UCMR) coordinates a national research school focusing on infection and antibiotics.
Seeks knowledge in adaptive drug resistance and fitness properties of Gram-negative bacteria.
Technical platforms that UCMR has initiated and/or uses are listed here.
CRISPR-Cas9 was discovered here by Emmanuelle Charpentier, recipient of the 2020 Nobel Prize in Chemistry.