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Technical platforms that UCMR has initiated and/or uses are listed here.
BICU is an interdisciplinary facility providing state-of-the-art imaging technology with affinity measurements
We aim to support researchers understand complex biological systems via the use of data-driven modelling tools
CBCS Umeå node enables screening and development of bioactive small molecules in all areas of life science
Analysis of cell surface bound as well as intracellular proteins and RNA expression with flow cytometry.
Five different spectrometers (360-850 MHz) and provides support for a variety of scientific questions.
PEP offers services and expert advice in bioinformatics, cloning, growth optimisation and protein purification
SMC is specialized on use of MS-based methods for the analysis of metabolites in different biological systems
UCEM is a joint resource for research and higher education in electron microscopy techniques.
UHRF is a facility at the Molecular Biology Department for performing experiments under hypoxic conditions