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UCMR invites prominent international researchers to visit Umeå University. When they come here, they also give an open lecture.
Matthew lectures about fungal pathogens and future risks for the global life-support system.
Matthew lectures on chemical probes for imaging cancer and infectious diseases.
Kim lectures on virulence factors in bacteria that provide molecular insight into eukaryotic signaling systems
Emma Thomson lectures on AAV2 and immune dysregulation in children with unexplained hepatitis.
Felix Randow from Cambridge University lectures on how cells defend their cytosol against invasive bacteria.
Frank van Kuppeveld from Utrecht University lectures on picornavirus replication and virus-host interactions.
Professor Herbert Waldmann lectures on pseudonatural products.
Stanford Professor Christine Jacobs-Wagner lectures on the unusual biology of the Lyme disease agent.
Professor Edward Egelman lectures on powerful methods developed in Cryo-EM of biological complexes.
Professor Johannes Krause lectures via Zoom on origin of the Black Death and genetic history of the plague.
Previous lectures within the UCMR Distinguished Guests Seminar Series are listed here.