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UCMR - Umeå Centre for Microbial Research

The Umeå Centre for Microbial Research, UCMR, is the "jewel in the crown" among Sweden's 40 national Linnaeus Centers of Excellence. UCMR promotes pioneering interdisciplinary microbial research and brings together 77 research groups at Umeå University.

What is going on?

Johan Henriksson lab
New knowledge about cell division with data-driven techniques

Improved resolution promotes advanced cell analysis, especially in cases of abnormal cell division in cancer.

Ryo Morimoto collects snails from the aquarium.
The evolution of the immune system – love at first sight

Ryo Morimoto introduces snails as model system in Umeå for evolutionary studies of the immune system.

Jun Zhang, Laura Herzog, and Yaowen Wu in front of the computor.
New light-tuned chemical tools control processes in living cells

Professor Yaowen Wu's lab is at the forefront of developing chemo-optogenetic systems.

Emmanuelle Charpentier about her time after the Nobel Prize

What has the Nobel Prize meant and recent developments in CRISPR-Cas9. Watch an exclusive interview.