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End-of-Term Checklists

When the study year is coming to an end, there are some things that need to be done before summer break, and before you leave UID.

For ALL students – Help clean the studios

Clear out your studio work space and storage units, including workshop locker and sketch storage drawers. Make sure to leave a clean workspace behind!

There will be a container placed outside the 4D lab delivery entrance from the day after the Graduation Party.

Everything from furniture to ordinary trash can be thrown there (but not, of course, materials that need to be recycled or that are toxic). Please help us by throwing or recycling EVERYTHING that you yourself can identify as trash, whether it is yours or someone else's, or "nobody's". It would help us - and especially the house technician/caretaker and the cleaning staff - immensely!

Do NOT leave things up for grabs for others unless Ställverket announces a specific routine and place for where to leave such donations. All too many things are left for unspecified future users on hangers, in lockers, on shelves and in boxes, which causes a lot of extra work for those of us recycling and throwing it away.

Pre-summer check-list for GRADUATING students

  1. Empty your workplace: desk, shelves, drawers, sketch drawers etc. and remove name markings or stickers from these.
  2. Empty the fridge, freezer and cupboards in the Student kitchen from your things.
  3. Empty your workshop locker (BFA who are joining MFA - talk to the house technician/caretaker if you need to store some things in a locker until then).
  4. Clear out any material you have left in the workshop, holkens or other common spaces.
  5. Make backups of your files on the server, and empty them.
  6. Delete any UID licences from your personal computer.
  7. Update your contact details on the student web, or by mail to the study administrator, adding your new address and current e-mail address.
  8. Make sure that you have handed in your degree application before you leave.
  9. If you need access to UID after the end of term, during June or August, please contact your programme director.

Please note that during summer:

  • All your personal and class files and folders will be deleted from the server.
  • All material left behind in common UID spaces and studios will be thrown away.
  • All lockers will be opened and emptied (unless otherwise agreed with the house technician/caretaker ).
  • All staff will go on vacation and be away between late June and mid-August, so late submissions of late course work, or degree applications, will not be handled until late August.

Thanks for helping prepare for the new students arriving this autumn, and the very best of luck with whatever you are heading for next!

For you who are coming back next term

The study year is coming to an end and there are some things that need to be done before summer break, and before you leave UID. The school will be closed (for students) from midsummer to the start of term. Before you leave, please make sure that you:

  1. Empty your workplace completely: desk, shelves, window sills etc. Put all your things in the storage unit (hurts).
  2. Mark your locked storage unit (hurts) and office chair with your name and class (the one you'll be starting after summer).
  3. Empty and clean the fridge, freezer and cupboards in the Student kitchen from your things.
  4. Clear out any material you have left in the workshop, holkens or other common spaces.
  5. Please note that during summer: All material left behind in common UID spaces and studios will be thrown away.
  6. If you need access to UID after the end of term, during June or August, please contact your programme director.

Going on internship or exchange?

If you will be away for all or parts of next study year, please empty your locker. Locked lockers will be opened and emptied. You can get one (1 box) from the house technician/caretaker where you can put the study material you need to store here until your return. Please write your name and class on the box in block letters. Also, please talk to IT support about your personal folder on the server, so that it is not accidentally deleted in the general server cleaning. In any case, we recommend you to also back up your files!

Latest update: 2024-05-27