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Rules for the UMU card

Umeå University has rules which you must accept to borrow books and enter the premises with your UMU card.

When you upload your photo for the UMU card, you automatically accept the following rules, as well as the borrowing rules at the Umeå University Library. You should therefore read the rules before you upload the photo.

The UMU card is your ID document internally at Umeå University, among other things, for identification in examination rooms and for security guards after office hours.

  • You should always present the UMU card upon request by a security guard or other authorised personnel, and the authorisation for premises should be verified by the UMU card being tested in the card reader of the premises.
  • The UMU card is personal and may not be lent to someone else.
  • The card and code should not be stored together.
  • Misplaced, lost and found UMU cards should immediately be reported to Infocenter.
  • If you should break the card, you need to pay for a new card.
  • Never allow entry to an unauthorised person with your card or by unlocking the door.
  • There are specific entry rules for some premises and buildings which should be complied with. Please contact Infocenter for information on which entry rules apply.

Other information

  • Breach of these rules may result in the card being blocked. The card may also be confiscated for further investigation. A serious breach of rules may result in a police report.
  • All usage of the UMU card is logged into the access card system. If necessary, log lists may be used for checking entry and exit. The data is stored for two years.
  • If you detect damage or defective equipment in the access card or burglar alarm installation, please notify Infocenter immediately.
  • The University reserves the right to temporarily limit access to the University's premises.
Latest update: 2024-07-04