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Discrete Mathematics

Below you can read about possible degree projects in the field of Discrete Mathematics. If you want to know more, you are welcome to contact the respective person.


Istvan Tomon 

Topic areas for bachelor or master theses:

  • Extremal graph theory
  • Ramsey theory
  • Combinatorial geometry
  • Linear algebraic methods in combinatorics

Example of possible thesis projects:

  • Finding regular subgraphs (Erdos-Sauer problem)
  • Ramsey theory of structured graph families (Erdos-Hajnal conjecture)
  • Finding large convex sets among points in general position (Erdos-Szekeres conjecture) and higher dimensional variants
  • Coloring geometric graphs
  • The Cap set problem and the slice-rank method
  • Non-vanishing linear maps (Alon-Jaeger-Tarsi conjecture) and hyperplane covers

This list showcases various topics in combinatorics with recent developments that I am interested in, and is not complete. I am open to negotiating several other projects as well. The only prerequisite is basic understanding of graph theory, combinatorics, and linear algebra.

Istvan Tomon
Associate professor

Graph theory, discrete probability, extremal combinatorics

Victor Falgas Ravry

I can supervise theses at all levels on the following topics:

  • Random graphs, random graph models, percolation theory
  • Extremal graph theory, extremal problems for graphs, hypergraphs and set systems
  • Combinatorial games, especially games on graphs
  • Graph processes and graph automata such as bootstrap percolation or the spread of a virus through a network
  • Combinatorial number theory
  • All aspects of graph theory
  • amongst others

Extremal and probabilistic combinatorics, my domain of expertise, is a highly active area of research, with many exciting developments just in the last few years. I thus always have at hand a dozen or so possible projects linked to recent advances and results. If you are interested in writing a thesis under my supervision, just send me an email or knock on my office door to arrange a meeting. We can then discuss your mathematical background and interests before I suggest 3-4 possible thesis topics.

Victor Falgas Ravry
Associate professor

Graph theory, hypergraphs, and computational combinatorics

Klas Markström

I can supervise  projects which connect directly to my own research or belong to the general areas of mathematics in which I work.

Some examples:

  • Graph theoretical problems of different kinds
  • Hyperraphs and design theory
  • Problems in probabilitity theoy and random graphs
  • Mathematical physics, either with connections to statistical mechanics or quantum computing
  • Algorithms and complexity theory
  • The theory of combinatorial games. This includes both underlying theory and algorithms

Discrete geometry, coding theory and cryptography

Klara Stokes

Topic areas for bachelor thesis

  • Geometry, in particular geometric combinatorics and projective geometry over finite fields.
  • Combinatorics, in particular graphs and other combinatorial objects such as hypergraphs, simplicial complexes, incidence geometries, matroids and designs.
  • Algebraic tools in geometry and combinatorics.
  • Group theory, in particular symmetry groups acting on discrete and/or geometric objects.
  • Coding theory, cryptography, and other applications to computer science.
Klara Stokes
Associate professor

Discrete mathematics

Lars-Daniel Öhman

Topic areas for bachelor theses:

  • Graph theory
  • Design theory
  • History and philosophy of mathematics
  • Axiomatic basis of mathematics

Example of possible thesis projects:

  • Writing an exposition of the Bruck-Ryser-Chowla theorem, with expanded definitions and explanations, and carefully worked examples
  • Writing a survey on progress in the open problem of the existence of biplanes
  • Generating complete lists of small combinatorial designs using computer programming
Lars-Daniel Öhman
Associate professor, research fellow


Representation theory and number theory

Henrik Gustafsson

Topic area suggestions for a BSc or MSc thesis:

  • Computing with nilpotent orbits in classical Lie algebras
  • Integration with p-adic numbers. For a fun introduction to p-adic numbers, see: https://youtu.be/3gyHKCDq1YA
  • Survey of the classification of Lie algebras and Lie groups
  • How lattice models from statistical mechanics describe special functions in representation theory
  • Representations of the general linear group, Young tableaux and Kashiwara crystals
  • Fourier coefficients of automorphic forms
  • Solvable lattice models and quantum groups

Many of the projects are suitable for a mixture of smaller research problems and a survey of existing literature depending on thesis-level and preference.

Henrik Gustafsson
Assistant professor
Latest update: 2023-12-12