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Re-exam and completion

Re-exam written exams

We offer a re-exam week every year in August, about a week before the autumn term starts. This is an opportunity to re-exam courses that you haven´t passed. You sign up as usual on the student website at least ten work days before the examination.

You can also hand in for example “home examinations” and completions during this week. Please contact you course coordinator for more information on your course.

Re-exam week 2020

You sign up for a written exam on the student website. The application opens after the last examination on the course and closes ten work days before the examination.

Please contact us, on time, if you can´t sign up.

2SV059 The EU, Power and Democracy

2SV059: EU, Power and Democracy
Date: 28 th of August 2020
Time: 9.00-13.00
Place: Östra Paviljongen
Period för sign-up: 7th of June - 9th of August

Re-exam seminars

We offer re-exam seminars for these on bachelor and master level every year in the beginning of autumn term. The submission is trough Cambro and if you don´t have access to the resent Cambro sight please contact the course coordinator or the student administration.

We publish current date for admissions and planned dates for seminars on the student website in the end of spring term.

2SV037 Environmental Governance 

Student who want to re-exam and/or hand-in completions on seminars have to contact Katarina Hansson-Forman before August 14th by e-mail.

Examination at our Department

Our courses often have several examination tasks, as seminars, papers and a final exam/task. All assignments need to be completed with a good grade to pass the whole course. I you have assignments left to finish at the end of the course you are often signed a completion task. If the examination needs more than a completion you will have to do a re-exam. The curriculum and study guide should give you a more detailed information for your course.


Please contact the student administration

Study administrator

Emma Lindström
Study administrator

Study Advisor

Latest update: 2020-05-08