For international students there are two possible degrees, a one year Master or a two year Master. A Master Thesis project must be completed to fulfill the requirements of the Master degrees. A 15 ECTS credits project is needed for the one year Master and a 30 ECTS credits project must be completed for the two year Master. The degree project should be the last course in your education. By doing a Master Thesis project and demonstrating her/his knowledge and skills the student will fulfill the overall goals of a Master Degree.
Degree Project: Master of Science (two years) in Computational Science and engineering Students admitted to TABEM can apply 30 hp 5DV137
Degree Project: Master of Science (two years) in Computing Science (specialization Robotics and control) Students admitted to TAROM can apply 30 hp 5DV141
TADAM = Master's Programme in Computing Science TABEM = Master's Programme in Computational Science and Engineering TAROM = Master's Programme in Robotics and Control
By clicking the course code in the table and then "Course home page" or "För dig som är student på kursen/For current students in the course" more details are given on how to start, plan and perform a MT-project.
Starting from Fall 2009 completed Master Theses and even Bachelor Theses are published in a database called Diva/Opus. A list will come in fall. Older Theses are listed here.