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Outgoing exchange students - Application instructions

Here we have gathered all useful information for those of our students who are thinking of applying for exchange studies.

Agreement/ no agreement

In Solemove you can search for existing agreements with Umeå University. In the database you also find the agreements established at the Academy of Fine Arts.
Read more about exchange studies

If you would like to go to a school which we do not have an agreement with, the Academy or the International Office may be of some assistance. It is mainly up to you to make the arrangements though.
Going as a freemover


Agreements within the Erasmus programme are the most common ones. Within Erasmus you may also apply for traineeship.
The Erasmus programme


Umeå Academy of Fine Arts is a member of a network called KUNO which consists of 18 art schools within the nordic-baltic region. As a student at one of these schools you may apply for exchange studies at one of the 18 schools outside of Sweden. Apart from exchange studies you may apply for a placement or for an express mobility course. Such courses are advertised every once in a while and just as exchange studies you are entitled to financial support if you're accepted.
KUNO website

How/When do you apply

If you think about going abroad to study for a semester or for a full study year you should start to plan for that well in advance and find out as much as you can about the particular country, town and school of interest. We encourage exchanges but not during the last study year of each programme.

Before you apply for any exchange, always come and talk to the study administrator and discuss your plans with your class supervisor or professor.

Start with finding out which courses are available and if there are any requirements such as language skills. All schools have different application procedures, therefor you must find out from each school how and when to apply. The deadline for applying to the spring semester is usually in October - November and to the fall semester in March - April. Some schools only accept applications once a year and some want your coordinator to nominate you before you can apply.

It is always up to the school to decide whether or not they will accept you or not. The agreement does not mean that you are automatically accepted.

Before departure

If you're accepted there are a number of things to deal with, among other things accommodation, visa and insurance. Within the Erasmus programme you may apply for scholarships.

Regarding the courses you intend attend it is important that they are equal to the courses you would have attended if you would not have left for exchange studies.

When you return

When you return you need to apply for transfer of credits. Please also make sure that you share your experience to inspire other students to go on exchange and fill out a travel report (instructions on that you may get from your coordinator or the International Office)
Transfer of credits

Latest update: 2024-05-14