Rescarcher and pedagogically recognised university teacher Infection Disease Specialist Academic course leader in Disaster Medicine at the International Crisis and Conflict Management Programme
Educational qualifications:
Recognised university teacher
I'm interested in always improving how we do things, therefore, it is important in my job to combine clinical practice, developement, research and teaching.
I want to study how we can protect against severe infections at an individual and community level. With this knowledge we can better prevent and hopefully also control severe infections in the future.
Universitetspedagogiska konferensen 2019: helhetssyn på undervisning - kropp, känsla och kognition i akademin, Umeå: Universitetspedagogik och lärandestöd (UPL), Umeå universitet 2019 : 46-46
I'm a pedagogically recognised university teacher at Umeå University and an academic course leader in Disaster Medicine at the Programme for International Crisis and Conflict Management. I also teach clinical management of infectious diseases and impact of infections on a community level at the Medical Program as well as at severeral individual courses.