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Staff photo Ulrica Söderlind

Ulrica Söderlind

The focus of Ulricas interdisiplinary research are gastronomy and hospitality from different timeperiods and geografical areas, the sources are historical, archaeological and religious.


Works at

Lärarutbildningshuset, Plan 4, Lärarutbildningshuset Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

Ulrica spent her high school years at different culinary schools in Sweden and received an education as a chef, bartender, baker/confectioner. Ulrica then spent years working in the restaurant industry, both at restaurant on land but also in the Swedish merchant navy.

Ulrica holds a PhD degree in economic-history and are now working as a senior lecturer at the department. She also has a master (magister) degree in archaeology and an international master’s degree in theology. Her focus areas in her research are several; Meal science and gastronomy from an interdisciplinary perspective where different kind of primary sources are used such as historical written sources, archaeological artefacts from different areas and time periods. Ulrica is a professional member (Chef Rôtisseur), Best of Gastronomie silver cheffe, member of comity of Sweden with Specialist and Ambassador for the recipes of the 18th century, Chaîne de Rotisseurs, Sweden, member of publicist club, member of Swedish PEN,  Region Stockholm, Sweden, member in the network Polar Researchers in Sweden, Meal science, Life on land, honoural member at International Union of Arab Master chef member of Chefs san Frontieres, mebmer of the editoral board for Petits Propos Culinaires and is a certified Fromager.

I 2005 Ulrica was bestowed with the small medal from the Royal Swedish academy of Science for her book “The Nobel banquets” that deals with the Nobel banquets first 100 years. As of today the book about the Nobelbanquets has been published in Swedish, English and simpliefied Chinese (Mandarin). In 2014 she was bestowed with the Georgian Embassy Medal for her work in strengthen the academic relations between Sweden and Georgia. Several of her scientific books has received awards in the international Gourmand cookbook awards, without being cookbooks. The book " Religion and diet in a multireligious city" was appointed in 2018 as a world winner in the category "Cookbook for Peace". In 2022 the same book was awarded "Best of the Best" during 25 years of publication by the international Gourmand Awards in the category for peace. The book about Cajsa Warg became National winners for Sweden in Gourmand awards 2022 in the categories: cookbooks history & writing and University Press. As of today, she has 80+ publications, both scientific and popular science, both in Swedish and in English. 

Link to a short film about the realisation of six recipes from the 18th century cookbook, written by Cajsa Warg (in swedish): https://vimeo.com/665558084/2336e7bed7

En adelsdam i kök och salong: Betty Gyllensvärd - kvinnan, livet, recepten, Lund: Historiska media 2024 : 94-113
Söderlind, Ulrica
Pilgrimsfärd för rättvis värld, Malmö: Spricka förlag 2023 : 279-280
Söderlind, Ulrica
Malmö: Universus Academic Press 2022
Söderlind, Ulrica
Klart skepp!: svenska flottan i krig och fred under 500 år, Lund: Historiska media 2022 : 136-149
Söderlind, Ulrica
Sanlian Press 2022
Söderlind, Ulrica
Medusa. Svensk tidskrift för antiken, Stockholm: Uppsala universitet 2022, (3) : 19-25
Söderlind, Ulrica
Medusa. Svensk tidskrift för antiken, Stockholm: Tidskriften Medusa 2020, (2) : 1-10
Söderlind, Ulrica
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Rumänien: Pro Global Science Association 2018, Vol. 15, (1) : 45-63
Söderlind, Ulrica
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Rumänien: Pro Global Science Association 2017, (1) : 66-80
Söderlind, Ulrica
Till bords med Tore Wretman: om en hovtraktör och måltidens kultur, Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag 2016 : 93-103
Söderlind, Ulrica
Tidskrift i sjöväsendet, Karlskrona: Kungl. Örlogsmannasällskapet 2015, Vol. 3 : 253-272
Söderlind, Ulrica
Personhistorisk Tidskrift, Karlstad: Personhistoriska samfundet 2015, (2) : 177-190
Söderlind, Ulrica
Scripta Instituti Donneriani Aboensis, Åbo: the Donner Institute for research in Religious and Cultural History 2015, Vol. 26 : 158-180
Söderlind, Ulrica
The SAGE encyclopedia of food issues, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications 2015 : 966-968
Söderlind, Ulrica
The SAGE encyclopedia of food issues, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications 2015 : 221-224
Söderlind, Ulrica
The SAGE encyclopedia of food issues, Thousand Oaks, California: Sage Publications 2015 : 1483-1485
Söderlind, Ulrica
Malmö: Universus Academic Press 2015
Söderlind, Ulrica
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Rumänien: Pro Global Science Association 2014, Vol. 8, (2) : 180-190
Söderlind, Ulrica
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Rumänien: Pro Global Science Association 2014, Vol. 7, (1) : 125-146
Söderlind, Ulrica
RIG: Kulturhistorisk tidskrift, Lund: Kungl. Gustav Adolfs akademien 2014, Vol. 97, (2) : 78-103
Söderlind, Ulrica
Mat och dryck: smakprov ur arkiven, Stockholm: Riksarkivet 2013 : 184-200
Söderlind, Ulrica
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Rumänien: Pro Global Science Association 2012, Vol. 3, (1) : 170-183
Söderlind, Ulrica
Mat och krig, Stockholm: Armémuseum 2012 : 38-79
Söderlind, Ulrica
Review of Applied Socio-Economic Research, Rumänien: Pro Global Science Association 2011, Vol. 1, (1) : 97-122
Söderlind, Ulrica
Företagsminnen, Bromma: Centrum för näringslivshistoria 2011, (2) : 16-19
Söderlind, Ulrica
Stockholm: Carlsson Bokförlag 2010
Söderlind, Ulrica
Archaeologia Baltica, Klaipéda: Klaipéda university institute of Baltic sea region history and archaeology 2010, Vol. 14 : 196-204
Söderlind, Ulrica
Familjen Bernadotte: kungligheter och människor, Stockholm: Riksarkivet 2010 : 196-209
Söderlind, Ulrica
Söderlind, Ulrica
Goud uit Georgië: de mythe van het Gulden Vlies, Assen: Drent Museum 2010 : 145-158
Söderlind, Ulrica
New Jersey: World Scientific 2010
Söderlind, Ulrica
Marinarkeologisk tidskrift, (2) : 19-21
Söderlind, Ulrica; Beritashvili, Ioseb; Donadze, Paata; et al.
Medea från Georgien-historiska utblickar, Stockholm: Medelhavsmuseet 2009 : 95-104
Söderlind, Ulrica
Amirani : Journal of the International Caucasiological Research Institute, Tbilisi: The International Caucasological Research Institute 2009, Vol. 21 : 54-73
Söderlind, Ulrica
Medusa. Svensk tidskrift för antiken, Stockholm: Tidskriften Medusa 2009, Vol. 1 : 35-43
Söderlind, Ulrica
Tolv böcker Om lantbruk : en tvåtusenårig romersk lantbrukslära, Stockholm: Kungliga skogs-och lantbruksakademien 2009 : 554-563
Söderlind, Ulrica
Medea från Georgien-historiska utblickar, Stockholm: Medelhavsmuseet 2009 : 105-114
Söderlind, Ulrica; Enwall, Joakim
Tolv böcker Om lantbruk : en tvåtusenårig romersk lantbrukslära, Stockholm: Kungliga skogs-och lantbruksakademien 2009 : 636-648
Söderlind, Ulrica; Lindgren, Sven
Skärgård, Åbo: Åbo akademi 2009 : 37-46
Söderlind, Ulrica; Tskvitinidze, Nikoloz
Gastronomisk kalender, Stockholm: Nordstedts 2008 : 117-128
Söderlind, Ulrica
Stockholm: Grenadine 2008
Söderlind, Ulrica
Marinarkeologisk tidskrift, Solna: Marinarkeologiska sällskapet 2008 : 15-20
Söderlind, Ulrica; Tskvitinidze, Nikoloz
Food and Meals at the Cultural Crossroads: Proceeding of the 17th conference of the International Commision for Ethnological Food Research, Oslo: Novus Press ; The Norwegian Museum of Cultural History 2008 : 178-187
Söderlind, Ulrica; Tskvitinidze, Nikoloz
?”, Cultural interaction between east and west. Archaeology, artefacts and human contacts in northern Europe, Stockholm: Stockholm University 2007 : 302-307
Söderlind, Ulrica

Research projects

1 September 2019 until 31 December 2021