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Staff photo Ulf Sandqvist

Ulf Sandqvist

I am the head of the Archives and Special collections at the University Library. My main research interest is the digital game culture.

Works at

Head of section at Umeå University Library Section: Archives and Special Collections Role: Head of unit
Hus D, Mediagränd 24 Umeå universitetsbibliotek, 901 74 Umeå

I am the head of the Archives and Special collections at the University Library. My main research interest is the digital game culture.

OKNYTT. Tidskrift för Johan Nordlander-sällskapet, Umeå: Johan Nordlander-sällskapet 2024, (1) : 23-34
Sandqvist, Ulf
Encyclopedia of Video Games: The Culture, Technology, and Art of Gaming, 2nd Edition [3 Volumes], Santa Barbara: ABC-CLIO 2021 : 1018-1020
Sandqvist, Ulf
Game history and the local, Camden: Palgrave Macmillan 2021 : 57-77
Sandqvist, Ulf
Widerscreen, Åbo: Filmiverkko 2020, Vol. 23, (2-3)
Sandqvist, Ulf
The International Journal of Cultural Policy, Routledge 2020, Vol. 26, (5) : 617-632
Sotamaa, Olli; Jørgensen, Kristine; Sandqvist, Ulf
MAKING GAMES: The 14th Game Research Lab Spring Seminar, April 24-25, 2018
Sotamaa, Olli; Jørgensen, Kristine; Sandqvist, Ulf
Convergence. The International Journal of Research into New Media Technologies, Sage Publications 2017, Vol. 23, (5) : 457-476
Jørgensen, Kristine; Sandqvist, Ulf; Sotamaa, Olli
NordMedia 2017, Tampere, Finland
Sandqvist, Ulf
ABH-GUG Conference, Berlin, Germany, May 27-28, 2016
Sandqvist, Ulf
Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference (CEEGS), Lublin, 20-22 October 2016
Sandqvist, Ulf; Lilljegren, Josef
CEEGS 2015, Central and Eastern European Game Studies Conference, Kraków October 21-24, 2015
Sandqvist, Ulf
Humanities and Social Sciences Latvia, Riga: University of Latvia Press 2015, Vol. 23, (2) : 4-20
Sandqvist, Ulf
Geografiska Notiser, Lund: Geografiska notiser 2014, (2) : 63-68
Karlsson, Svante; Sandqvist, Ulf
The History of Games International Conference: Working With, Building, and Telling History. Montreal, Canada. June 21st – 23rd 2013
Jørgensen, Kristine; Sandqvist, Ulf; Sotamaa, Olli; et al.
Umeå papers in economic history, 42
Sandqvist, Ulf
Nordic Academy of Management Conference, Reykjavik 21-23 August.
Sandqvist, Ulf; Zackariasson, Peter
The video game industry: formation, present state, and future, Routledge 2012 : 134-156
Sandqvist, Ulf
Scandinavian Academy of Management conference
Zackariasson, Peter; Sandqvist, Ulf
Super Play, Stockholm: Medström 2009, (oktober) : 90-92
Sandqvist, Ulf; Gill, Michael
Aftonbladet, Stockholm: Aftonbladet Hierta AB 2009, (2009-10-03)
Sandqvist, Ulf; Gill, Michael
Occasional Papers in Economic History, no. 12, 2007
Sandqvist, Ulf