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Staff photo Tulio Yoshinaga

Tulio Yoshinaga

I am an ‘EC’ postdoc in Constantin Urban’s group. I am investigating Saprolegnia’s disease in salmoid fish. The fungal infection causes significant losses in aquaculture industry. 



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Affiliated as postdoctoral position at Department of Clinical Microbiology
6F och 6M, Universitetssjukhuset by 6 o 24 Umeå universitet, 901 85 Umeå

I am a biologist who received my PhD degree at the School of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science at the University of São Paulo in 2022. My research focused on immune rejection and immunomodulation in the field of reproductive biotechnology for salmonids. Notably, our research team was the first to reproduce Atlantic salmon using rainbow trout as surrogate broodstock. We also tested immunosuppressive agents to enhance this technology for the reproduction of farther related species. I have been working with rainbow trout and Atlantic salmon as research models since my master’s degree, and I find them to be excellent species to work with.

Since May 2024, I am an 'Excellence by Choice' postdoctoral fellow in Constantin Urban lab. We are investigating a fungal infection in Atlantic salmon caused by Saprolegnia parasitica. This disease primarily affects eggs and embryonic stages, but is common observed during Atlantic salmon migration. Saprolegnia disease comprises a huge problem in salmonid fish farming. Furthermore, the aquaculture industry requires new and reliable methods to ensure the production of healthy, nutritious, and environmentally safe products. To this end, we are employing molecular analysis and gene editing technologies to identify new targets for the treatment and prevention of Saprolegnia infection in Atlantic salmon.