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Staff photo Tomas Holmgren

Tomas Holmgren

I mainly teach in courses within the Faculty of social sciences, and in addition, I have the position of Pedagogical leader.

Educational qualifications: Recognised university teacher

Works at

Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå

I am a University lecturer in educational science; my teaching is primarily in courses within Programme in Behavioural Analysis of IT-Environments, Study Programme for Human Resource Management and other courses. In addition to teaching I also have the role as a Pedagogical leader (PL). As PL I am responsible for, among other things, to initiate pedagogical development, lead teacher staff meetings and course-development. My primary area of interest is Learning and ICT where I in particular are focused towards professional development and the digitalization of higher education.

Currently I spend a good amount of time on teaching and developing teaching practices towards more student activity. For example, I have previously been involved in a project to develop the department's Bachelor course. And currently work within a project aimed att exploring visualised feedback for written seminars.

I started at the Department of education in 2010 as a University lecturer, since then i have also been employed at the department as a ICT-pedagogue during a couple of years, before returning as a lecturer. I've had different types of pedagogical responsibilities since 2013 which has given me the opportunity to work with different types of interesting projects for pedagogical development.

More about the research area Learning and ICT

ECER programmes
Siljebo, Josef; Holmgren, Tomas; Lindberg, J. Ola; et al.
Education in the North, School of Education at the University of Aberdeen 2020, Vol. 27, (2) : 235-241
Lindberg, Ola J.; From, Jörgen; Holmgren, Tomas; et al.
ICERI2019 Proceedings, IATED Academy 2019 : 1976-1985
Holmgren, Robert; Holmgren, Tomas; Sjöberg, David
Digitalisering av högre utbildning, Lund: Studentlitteratur AB 2018 : 141-146
Holmgren, Robert; Holmgren, Tomas
NU2018 - Det akademiska lärarskapet, Västerås, Sweden, September 9-11, 2018
Holmgren, Tomas; Holmgren, Robert
NU2018 - Det akademiska lärarskapet: Abstrakt
Holmgren, Tomas; Lindmark, Torbjörn
ICICTE 2017 Proceedings: The International Conference on Information Communication Technologies in Education 2017, Rhodes, Greece: ICICTE 2017 2017 : 318-328
Liljeström, Monica; Gu, Limin; Holmgren, Robert; et al.
INTED2017 Proceedings: 11th International Technology, Education and Development Conference March 6th-8th, 2017, Valencia, Spain, The International Academy of Technology, Education and Development 2017 : 4219-4227
Olofsson, Anders D.; Håkansson Lindqvist, Marcia; Lindberg, J. Ola; et al.
Aktuell skolpolitik, Skellefteå, Sverige, 30 augusti - 1 september, 2016
Holmgren, Tomas; From, Jörgen