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Stefan Marklund

Research qualifications: Docent

Works at

Professor at Department of Medical Biosciences Section: Clinical Chemistry
By 6M, vån 2, Sjukhusområdet Umeå universitet, 901 85 Umeå
Neurobiology of Disease, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 202
Leykam, Laura; Forsberg, Karin; Nordström, Ulrika; et al.
Journal of Neurology, Springer 2023, Vol. 270 : 1770-1773
Fahmy, Nagia; Müller, Kathrin; Andersen, Peter Munch; et al.
Acta Neuropathologica, Springer-Verlag New York 2023, Vol. 145, (1) : 13-28
Forsberg, Karin; Graffmo, Karin Sixtensdotter; Stenvall, Erica; et al.
Journal of Neurochemistry, John Wiley & Sons 2023, Vol. 164, (1) : 77-93
Nordström, Ulrika; Lang, Lisa; Ekhtiari Bidhendi, Elaheh; et al.
Brain Communications, Oxford University Press 2023, Vol. 5, (1)
Park, Julien H.; Nordström, Ulrika; Tsiakas, Konstantinos; et al.
Cell Reports, Elsevier 2023, Vol. 42, (10)
Tsioras, Konstantinos; Smith, Kevin C.; Edassery, Seby L.; et al.
Brain, Oxford University Press 2022, Vol. 145, (3) : 872-878
Ezer, Shlomit; Daana, Muhannad; Park, Julien H.; et al.
Cells, MDPI 2022, Vol. 11, (7)
Günther, René; Pal, Arun; Williams, Chloe; et al.
Acta neuropathologica communications, BioMed Central 2021, Vol. 9, (1)
Keskin, Isil; Ekhtiari Bidhendi, Elaheh; Marklund, Matthew; et al.
Läkartidningen, Läkartidningen Förlag AB 2020, Vol. 117
Forsberg, Karin; Tjust, Anton E.; Zetterström, Per; et al.
Acta neuropathologica communications, BMC 2020, Vol. 8, (1)
Lehmann, Manuela; Marklund, Matthew; Bolender, Anna-Lena; et al.
New England Journal of Medicine, Massachusetts Medical Society 2019, Vol. 381, (5) : 486-488
Andersen, Peter M.; Hempel, Maja; Santer, René; et al.
Brain Pathology, John Wiley & Sons 2019, Vol. 29 : 90-90
Brännström, Thomas; Andersen, Peter M.; Bergh, Johan; et al.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, BMJ Publishing Group Ltd 2019, Vol. 90, (8) : 861-869
Forsberg, Karin; Graffmo, Karin Sixtensdotter; Pakkenberg, Bente; et al.
Acta Neuropathologica, New York: Springer 2019, Vol. 138, (1) : 85-101
Keskin, Isil; Forsgren, Elin; Lehmann, Manuela; et al.
Clinical Mass Spectrometry, Elsevier 2019, Vol. 11 : 37-41
Lakso, Hans-Åke; Wuolikainen, Anna; Sundkvist, Anneli; et al.
Yakugaku zasshi, Pharmaceutical Society of Japan 2019, Vol. 139, (7) : 1015-1019
Tokuda, Eiichi; Marklund, Stefan L.; Furukawa, Yoshiaki
Neurobiology of Aging, Elsevier 2018, Vol. 72
Canosa, Antonio; De Marco, Giovanni; Lomartire, Annarosa; et al.
Acta Neuropathologica, Springer 2018, Vol. 136, (6) : 939-953
Ekhtiari Bidhendi, Elaheh; Bergh, Johan; Zetterström, Per; et al.
Scientific Reports, Nature Publishing Group 2018, Vol. 8
Paré, Bastien; Lehmann, Manuela; Beaudin, Marie; et al.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, TAYLOR & FRANCIS LTD 2017, Vol. 18, (5-6) : 457-463
Keskin, Isil; Birve, Anna; Berdynski, Mariusz; et al.
Annals of Neurology, John Wiley & Sons 2017, Vol. 81, (6) : 837-848
Lange, Dale J.; Shahbazi, Mona; Silani, Vincenzo; et al.
Journal of Clinical Investigation, Vol. 126, (6) : 2249-2253
Ekhtiari Bidhendi, Elaheh; Bergh, Johan; Zetterström, Per; et al.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, Vol. 17, (5-6) : 452-457
Ingre, Caroline; Wuolikainen, Anna; Marklund, Stefan L.; et al.
PLOS ONE, Vol. 11, (2)
Keskin, Isil; Forsgren, Elin; Lange, Dale J.; et al.
Acta neuropathologica communications, Vol. 4
Tokuda, Eiichi; Brännström, Thomas; Andersen, Peter M.; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences 2015, Vol. 112, (14) : 4489-4494
Bergh, Johan; Zetterström, Per; Andersen, Peter M.; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Vol. 112, (32) : 9878-9883
Lang, Lisa; Zetterström, Per; Brännström, Thomas; et al.
Scientific Reports, Vol. 5 : 7920-
Lorenz, Fryderyk; Marklund, Stefan; Werner, Mårten; et al.
Cardiovascular Diabetology, BioMed Central 2015, Vol. 14
Mohammedi, Kamel; Bellili-Muñoz, Naïma; Marklund, Stefan L.; et al.
Human Molecular Genetics, Vol. 24, (11) : 3133-3142
Nordin, Angelica; Akimoto, Chizuru; Wuolikainen, Anna; et al.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, National Academy of Sciences 2013, Vol. 110, (10) : 3829-3834
Danielsson, Jens; Awad, Wael; Saraboji, Kadhirvel; et al.
Human Molecular Genetics, Vol. 22, (1) : 51-60
Graffmo, Karin S.; Forsberg, Karin; Bergh, Johan; et al.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and Frontotemporal Degeneration, London: Informa Healthcare 2013, Vol. 14, (3) : 199-204
Lange, Dale J.; Andersen, Peter M.; Remanan, Rahul; et al.
Neuromolecular medicine, Vol. 15, (1) : 147-158
Zetterström, Per; Graffmo, Karin S.; Andersen, Peter M; et al.
Diseases of the Colon & Rectum, Vol. 55, (3) : 337-344
Ekblom, Kim; Marklund, Stefan L.; Palmqvist, Richard; et al.
PLOS ONE, Vol. 7, (4) : e36104-
Johansson, Ann-Sofi; Vestling, Monika; Zetterström, Per; et al.
AMYOTROPH LATERAL SC, London: Informa Healthcare 2012, Vol. 13, (6) : 567-569
Katz, Jonathan S.; Katzberg, Hans D.; Woolley, Susan C.; et al.
Experimental Neurology, Vol. 233, (1) : 408-420
Moldovan, Mihai; Alvarez, Susana; Pinchenko, Volodymyr; et al.
Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, Wiley-Blackwell 2012, Vol. 40, (8) : 813-820
Olofsson, Eva Maria; Marklund, Stefan L; Behndig, Anders
Human Molecular Genetics, Vol. 21, (16) : 3568-3574
Synofzik, Matthis; Ronchi, Dario; Keskin, Isil; et al.
Journal of Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, Vol. 83, (3) : 351-353
Weber, M; Neuwirth, C; Thierbach, J; et al.
Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, Elsevier 2012, Vol. 105, (3) : 472-478
Wuolikainen, Anna; Moritz, Thomas; Marklund, Stefan L; et al.
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis and other Motor Neuron Disorders, Vol. 12, (3) : 215-219
Brotherton, Terrell; Polak, Meraida; Kelly, Crystal; et al.
International Journal of Cardiology, Vol. 150, (2) : 169-172
Ekblom, Kim; Marklund, Stefan L; Jansson, Jan-Håkan; et al.
Circulation: Cardiovascular Genetics, Vol. 4, (1) : e2-
Ekblom, Kim; Marklund, Stefan L; Jansson, Jan-Håkan; et al.
Acta Neuropathologica, SpringerLink 2011, Vol. 121, (5) : 623-634
Forsberg, Karin; Andersen, Peter M; Marklund, Stefan L; et al.

Research groups

Head of research
ALS Research Umeå
Head of research
Stefan Marklund Lab