Associate professor at the Department of Computing Science and Curiosum science center.
Deputy head of department at the Computing Science department.
I am active in the fields of visualization and numerical linear algebra and also work part-time at Umeå's Science Center Curiosum. My teaching is mainly within computer graphics and software engineering. In 2021, I was appointed Recognised university teacher and from Feb 2024 I am deputy head of department at the Computing Science department. During 2022-2023 I was programme director of the MSc programme in Computing Science and Engineering. I also have a great interest of education within digital game development.
During the years 2019-2021 I was deputy director at Curiosum. Today, my work focus on Curiosum's technical development and scientific grounding, especially around the exhibition environments and the dome theater which I share the technical responsibility for. During 2019-2021 I was scientific leader for the interactive exhibition "Magiskt" about visual effects in computer games and film. I am also part of the development of the school activities for the compulsory school and upper secondary school.
My current research is mainly focused on visualization and interactivity. The current project "Creative Exploration of the Atmosphere – Visualization of Authentic Data" (VisA) aims to make authentic data accessible to, especially, children and youth and increase their interest and understanding of science and technology. It's an interdisciplinary project where space physics, interactive visualization techniques, and didactic aspects are included. We will mainly develop techniques and educational tools to visualize atmospheric data from EISCAT 3D in a dome theater (360 degree cinema), but also other data and other platforms will be used.