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Staff photo Simon Wolming

Simon Wolming

I work as an Associate Professor at the Department of Education. Currently I have a position as the Head of the department.

Research qualifications: Docent

Works at

Associate professor at Department of Education
Hus Y, Beteendevetarhuset Umeå universitet, Mediagränd 14, Beteendevetarhuset, 901 87 Umeå
The international journal of information and learning technology, Emerald Group Publishing Limited 2024, Vol. 41, (4) : 359-370
Pettersson, Fanny; Siljebo, Josef; Wolming, Simon; et al.
Police Practice & Research, Routledge 2014, Vol. 15, (1) : 35-47
Sundström, Anna; Wolming, Simon
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, Budapest: European Distance and E-learning Network 2013, Vol. 16, (1) : 1-10
Mahieu, Ron; Wolming, Simon
Open Learning Generations: Closing the gap from "Generation Y" to the mature Lifelong Learners, Budapest: EDEN secretariat c/o Budapest University of Technology and Economics 2012 : 51-
Mahieu, Ron; Wolming, Simon
Nordisk polisforskning: Konferensskrift från den tredje nordiska polisforskningskonferensen, Umeå 2010, Umeå: Polisutbildningen vid Umeå universitet 2011 : 3-14
Wolming, Simon; Bäck, Thomas
Assessment in education: Principles, Policy & Practice, Routledge Taylor & Francis 2010, Vol. 17, (2) : 117-132
Wolming, Simon; Wikström, Christina
Utsikter, insikter, avsikter.: Universitetspedagogisk konferens i Umeå, 27-28 februari 2007 : konferensrapport, Umeå: Universitetspedagogiskt centrum, Umeå universitet 2008 : 269-280
Wolming, Simon; Henriksson, Widar
Psychological Reports, Vol. 94 : 1125-1126
Wolming, Simon; Lyrén, Per-Erik
Psychological Reports, Missoula: Ammons scientific 2004, Vol. 94, (3 suppl) : 1125-1126
Wolming, Simon; Lyrén, Per-Erik
Journal of Safety Research, Vol. 35, (5) : 491-495
Wolming, Simon; Wiberg, Marie
PM : pedagogiska mätningar, 177
Wolming, Simon
Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, Vol. 6, (2)
Wolming, Simon
Akademiska avhandlingar vid Pedagogiska institutionen, Umeå universitet, 54
Wolming, Simon
Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol. 25, (4) : 255-351
Wolming, Simon
Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, Vol. 4, (3) : 245-258
Wolming, Simon
Scandinavian Journal of Educational Research, Vol. 4, (2) : 135-150
Henriksson, Widar; Wolming, Simon
Pedagogisk Forskning i Sverige, Vol. 3, (2) : 81-103
Wolming, Simon
Högskoleprovet. Genom elva forskares ögon, Högskoleverket, Stockholm 1996 : 70-81
Andersson, Ewa; Wolming, Simon