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Staff photo Shahab Fatemi

Shahab Fatemi

I am a computational space plasma physicist. I have been studying plasma interaction with various planetary bodies in the solar system using high-performance simulations and spacecraft data.



Works at

Associate professor at Department of Physics

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=ECISVPEAAAAJ&hl=en

Code page: www.amitiscode.com

In 2014, I received my Ph.D. in Space Science and Technology from Luleå University of Technology at the Swedish Institute of Space Physics (IRF) in Kiruna. My Ph.D. thesis was about the "kinetic modeling of the solar wind plasma interaction with the Moon". Then I did a postdoc at the Space Sciences Laboratory (SSL) at the University of California at Berkeley and NASA's SSERVI at the Ames Center for nearly 3 years. In 2017, I moved back to IRF in Kiruna as a researcher to support the Swedish ion instrument (MIPA) onboard ESA/JAXA's BepiColombo mission to the planet Mercury. I am also a co-investigator on the BepiColombo mission and NASA's/APL's Lunar Vertex mission to the Moon (will be launched in 2024). In addition, I am an expert in developing high-performance parallel algorithms in space plasma and the founder and developer of the Amitis model (www.amitiscode.com), the first hybrid-kinetic plasma model that runs in parallel on multiple Graphics Processing Units (GPUs), developed in C++, CUDA, and MPI. I am also the lecturer and responsible for two undergraduate courses in my department: "Spacecraft Technology and Design" and "Research Topics in Physics". I supervize PhD students, postdocs, and undegraduate students.

Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, Mineralogical Society of America, Walter de Gruyter 2024, Vol. 89 : 563-609
Farrell, William M.; Halekas, Jasper S.; Horányi, Mihaly; et al.
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 531, (4) : 4692-4713
Fatemi, Shahab; Hamrin, Maria; Krämer, Eva; et al.
Astronomy and Astrophysics, EDP Sciences 2024, Vol. 682
Gunell, Herbert; Goetz, Charlotte; Fatemi, Shahab
Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2024, Vol. 51, (10)
Liuzzo, Lucas; Nénon, Quentin; Poppe, Andrew R.; et al.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2024, Vol. 129, (9)
Möslinger, Anja; Gunell, Herbert; Nilsson, Hans; et al.
Icarus, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 415
Poppe, A.R.; Garrick-Bethell, I.; Fatemi, Shahab; et al.
Advances in Space Research, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 74, (11) : 6172-6182
Poppe, A.R.; Prem, P.; Fatemi, Shahab; et al.
Nature Astronomy, Springer Nature 2024, Vol. 8, (5) : 567-576
Szalay, J.R.; Allegrini, F.; Ebert, R.W.; et al.
Icarus, Elsevier 2024, Vol. 409
Vorburger, Audrey; Fatemi, Shahab; Carberry Mogan, Shane R.; et al.
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press 2024, Vol. 527, (4) : 12232-12242
Wang, Xiao-Dong; Fatemi, Shahab; Holmström, Mats; et al.
The Planetary Science Journal, Institute of Physics (IOP) 2023, Vol. 4, (1)
Poppe, A. R.; Fatemi, Shahab
Journal of Geophysical Research - Planets, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2023, Vol. 128, (9)
Szabo, P.S.; Poppe, A.R.; Mutzke, A.; et al.
Monthly notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, Oxford University Press 2023, Vol. 521, (3) : 3597-3607
Wang, Xiao-Dong; Fatemi, Shahab; Nilsson, Hans; et al.
Annales Geophysicae, Copernicus GmbH 2022, Vol. 40, (3) : 281-297
Behar, Etienne; Fatemi, Shahab; Henri, Pierre; et al.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 127, (1)
Fatemi, Shahab; Poppe, A.R.; Vorburger, Audrey; et al.
Nature Communications, Nature Publishing Group 2022, Vol. 13, (1)
Orsini, S.; Milillo, A.; Lichtenegger, H.; et al.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, John Wiley & Sons 2022, Vol. 127, (1)
Pontoni, Angèle; Shimoyama, Manabu; Futaana, Yoshifumi; et al.
Planetary Science Journal, American Astronomical Society 2022, Vol. 3, (1)
Rasca, Anthony P.; Fatemi, Shahab; Farrell, William M.
Geophysical Research Letters, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2022, Vol. 49, (10)
Shi, Z.; Rong, Z.J.; Fatemi, Shahab; et al.
Icarus, Academia Press 2022, Vol. 375
Vorburger, Audrey; Fatemi, Shahab; Galli, André; et al.
Space Science Reviews, Springer 2022, Vol. 218, (3)
Wurz, P.; Fatemi, Shahab; Galli, A.; et al.
Planetary and Space Science, Elsevier 2021, Vol. 198
Aizawa, S.; Griton, L.S.; Fatemi, Shahab; et al.
Planetary Science Journal, Institute of Physics (IOP) 2021, Vol. 2, (2)
Poppe, A.R.; Garrick-Bethell, I.; Fatemi, Shahab
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, AGU 2021, Vol. 126, (2)
Rasca, A.P.; Fatemi, Shahab; Farrell, W.M.; et al.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2020, Vol. 125, (4)
Fatemi, Shahab; Poppe, A. R.; Barabash, S.
Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, American Geophysical Union (AGU) 2020, Vol. 125, (9)
Liuzzo, Lucas; Poppe, Andrew R.; Paranicas, Christopher; et al.
Möslinger, Anja; Gunell, Herbert; Stenberg Wieser, Gabriella; et al.

Research groups

Head of research
Computational Space Physics
Group member

I teach two advanced courses at undergraduate level: "Research Topics in Physics" and "Spacecraft Technology and Design".