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Staff photo Seong-Gyu Yang

Seong-Gyu Yang



Works at

Affiliated as postdoctoral position at Department of Physics
Naturvetarhuset, byggnad G, NA Plan 3, IceLab Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

 My research interests are broad. I studied collective behaviors in physical, biological, and social systems during my Ph.D at Sungkyunkwan University, S. Korea. After graduation, I started my career as a postdoc at the Asia Pacific Center for Theoretical Physics. I studied ecological models using statistical physics methods. Later, at the Korea Institute for Advanced Study, I focused on studying network structures and random graph ensembles.
 Currently, I am studying aging and epigenetic clocks using statistical physics tools with Ludvig Lizana. DNA methylation can be described with stochastic models, and methylation profiles in DNA are related to CpG cluster size. By describing the methylation dynamics in different CpG clusters, I aim to understand biological aging and the epigenetic clock.

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