I am an architect, educator, PhD researcher and programme director at UMA, Umeå School of Architecture. My research interests are in understanding architecture and city making as a socio-cultural practice and process. My recently initiated PhD research is situated at an intersection of cultural ethnography and architecture, where I explores potentials of cultural diversities in dense urban environments. I am is an active member of local research group Making Architecture Politically led by Prof. Roemer van Toorn and leader on two ongoing small-scale research projects with the local research centre UmArts. In various collaborations I have disseminated education and research work through projects ranging from New European Bauhaus's Visioner:i Norr in Skellefteå, Sweden to exhibitions locally in Izmir and globally as part of Global Free Unit residency in the Korean pavilion at Venice Biennale 2021 and British Academy Summer Showcase 2022.
As a lecturer at UMA for 12 years I have taught at all levels within the programme. During this time, I have supervised several Master theses and Bachelor Degree works, initiated collaborations, led design studios, design-built workshop projects and participated in local and international competitions. As an educator I endeavours to broaden the field of architecture by integrating social and cultural aspects, through context-based research into design studios in diverse contexts. In this respect I have co-led academic studios in Bombay, India; Izmir, Turkey; Umea, Sweden and Berlin, Germany.
In the role of Programme director at Umeå School of Architecture, I am currently co-leading on an overall programme revision process at the department where we as a collective group of architects and educators are aiming to build an education that would better respond to the challenges, opportunities and needs of architectural profession now and in the future.