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Staff photo Ron Mahieu

Ron Mahieu

As associate professor, I work within various teacher education programs and the SYV-program. My research interests are, among other things, policy and the link between education and working life.

Educational qualifications: Recognised university teacher



Works at

Associate professor at Department of Applied Educational Science Section: Floor 4
Naturvetarhuset, huskropp NB, Johan Bures väg 14 Umeå universitet, 90187 Umeå
NordYrk Conference 2023: Book of abstracts
Fjellström, Magnus; Kristmansson, Per; Mahieu, Ron
Umeå: Umeå universitet 2016
Mahieu, Ron; Näsström, Gunilla
European Journal of Open, Distance and E-Learning, Budapest: European Distance and E-learning Network 2013, Vol. 16, (1) : 1-10
Mahieu, Ron; Wolming, Simon
Open Learning Generations: Closing the gap from "Generation Y" to the mature Lifelong Learners, Budapest: EDEN secretariat c/o Budapest University of Technology and Economics 2012 : 51-
Mahieu, Ron; Wolming, Simon
Fostran i skola och utbildning: historiska perspektiv, Uppsala: Fören. för svensk undervisningshistoria 2010 : 177-169
Leffler, Eva; Mahieu, Ron
Forskning för skolan
Leffler, Eva; Svedberg, Gudrun; Mahieu, Ron
ECER 2009: Theory and Evidence in European Educational Research: Network 23. Policy Studies and Politics of Education
Mahieu, Ron
NERA 2004, The 32nd Congress of the Nordic Educational Research Association. Reykjavik, Island, March 11-13, 2004
Mahieu, Ron
ECER 2002: NETWORK 23: Policy Studies and Politics of Education
Mahieu, Ron
Geografiska Notiser, Lund: Geografiska notiser 1997, Vol. 55, (1) : 55-64
Mahieu, Ron; Saxin, Conny
Då, nu och sedan: geografiska uppsatser till minnet av Ingvar Jonsson, Umeå: Geografiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1995 : 143-160
Brydsten, Monika; Mahieu, Ron
Regionalpolitik och regional utveckling i Kanada: erfarenheter från en studieresa, Östersund: ERU: Fritze 1995 : 62-81
Hermelin, Brita; Mahieu, Ron
Regionalpolitik och regional utveckling i Kanada: erfarenheter från en studieresa, Östersund: ERU: Fritze 1995 : 126-133
Mahieu, Ron
Regionalpolitik och regionalutveckling i Kanada: erfarenheter från en studieresa, Östersund: ERU: Fritze 1995 : 144-153
Mahieu, Ron
Managing and marketing of urban development and urban life: proceedings of the IGU-Commission on "Urban Development and Urban Life", Berlin, August 15 to 20, 1994, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 1994 : 379-388
Mahieu, Ron
Den vet som vida färdas: reserapport från en kulturgeografisk exkursion i Kanada våren 1993, Umeå: Geografiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1993 : 229-238
Mahieu, Ron
Geografiska Notiser, Lund: Geografiska notiser 1992, Vol. 50, (2) : 62-66
Lindgren, Urban; Mahieu, Ron
Geografiska Annaler. Series B, Human Geography, JSTOR 1992, Vol. 74, (3) : 211-228
Lindgren, Urban; Mahieu, Ron; Stjernström, Olof
Urban networks international research conference on European Cities: Growth and Decline, The Hague, 13-16 April, 1992
Mahieu, Ron
TFB-rapport, 1991:14
Holm, Einar; Mahieu, Ron; Westin, Kerstin

Research groups

Group member