As associate professor, I work within various teacher education programs and the SYV-program. My research interests are, among other things, policy and the link between education and working life.
Educational qualifications:
Recognised university teacher
Open Learning Generations: Closing the gap from "Generation Y" to the mature Lifelong Learners, Budapest: EDEN secretariat c/o Budapest University of Technology and Economics 2012 : 51-
Managing and marketing of urban development and urban life: proceedings of the IGU-Commission on "Urban Development and Urban Life", Berlin, August 15 to 20, 1994, Berlin: Dietrich Reimer Verlag 1994 : 379-388
Den vet som vida färdas: reserapport från en kulturgeografisk exkursion i Kanada våren 1993, Umeå: Geografiska institutionen, Umeå universitet 1993 : 229-238