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Staff photo Rishabh Karnawat

Rishabh Karnawat

Studies of non-canonical pathways of autophagy by re in vitro reconstitution of the critical components. 



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Affiliated as postdoctoral position at Department of Chemistry
KBC-huset (KB), Linnaeus väg 10 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I did my PhD in Biochemistry from Heidelberg University, Germany. My project focussed on elucidating the molecular mechanisms behind the functional regulation, of the ubiquitous and essential molecular chaperone, Hsp90, by Post Translational Modifications. 

I joined the lab of Prof Dr. Yaowen Wu in September 2024 as a Postdoctoral Researcher. My project involves studying non-canonical pathways of autophagy in vitro. To achieve this, I express and purify proteins in E. coli and SF9 insect cells. I further investigate the interaction of proteins involved in the regulation of autophagy by various biochemical and biophysical tools.

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