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René Mellema

Within the Socially Aware AI group I work on normative reasoning for social simulation, using formal methods. I'm also interested in formal representations of social behaviour more broadly.



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Doctoral student (on leave) at Department of Computing Science
MIT-huset, Umeå universitet, MIT.B.264 Umeå universitet, 901 87 Umeå

I'm a PhD student in the socially aware AI group. My research in particular focusses on norms and normative reasoning in social simulations. This covers both how we can represent norms, as well as how agents can use norms in their reasoning, and how these aspects interact with other social rules. We study these aspects both in formal systems, such as formal logic and abstract argumentation, but also how these aspects translate over into code.

In particular, we are currently looking into creating an architecture for normative reasoning, where both norm breaking, and norms as a motivational component are central. Other directions of research involve creating a formalization for norms based on violations in temporal logic, and the use of abstract argumentation for goal and plan selection with multiple motivational components.

Human-centered artificial intelligence: advanced lectures, Springer Nature 2023 : 347-362
Fazzinga, Bettina; Mellema, Rene
Multi-agent-based simulation XXIII: 23rd International Workshop, MABS 2022, virtual event, May 8-9, 2022: Revised selected papers, Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2023 : 134-146
Kammler, Christian; Mellema, Rene; Dignum, Frank
JASSS: Journal of Artificial Societies and Social Simulation, University of Surrey 2022, Vol. 25, (3)
Kreulen, Kurt; de Bruin, Bart; Ghorbani, Amineh; et al.
Coordination, Organizations, Institutions, Norms, and Ethics for Governance of Multi-Agent Systems XIII: International Workshops COIN 2017 and COINE 2020, Sao Paulo, Brazil, May 8-9, 2017 and Virtual Event, May 9, 2020, Revised Selected Papers : 175-180
Mellema, Rene; Jensen, Maarten; Dignum, Frank
Minds and Machines, Springer 2020, Vol. 30, (2) : 177-194
Dignum, Frank; Dignum, Virginia; Davidsson, Paul; et al.

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